Sekhukhune communities call for social ownership of renewable energy
Beyond extraction: Sekhukhune mining-affected communities call for community-owned renewable energy solutions
Beyond extraction: Sekhukhune mining-affected communities call for community-owned renewable energy solutions
CALS represents a mother of two who was convicted of killing her abusive partner during an incident of domestic violence in application for leave to appeal
Civil society organisations clarify pharmacists' role in reproductive healthcare
Representatives from CALS are set to present at the annual MAC Summit organised by Mining Affected Communities United in Action
CALS represents several environmental justice activists threatened with interdicts by a mine in Marikana
CALS represents residents from Rosettenville in Johannesburg who successfully approached the High Court to suspend an eviction order against them
The Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS) mourns the loss of our comrade and friend Dr Prishani Naidoo in December 2024
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights
CALS represents a mother of two who was convicted of killing her abusive partner during an incident of domestic violence in leave to appeal
CALS represents several environmental justice activists threatened with interdicts by a mine in Marikana
CALS and the Right2Protest Project host the second annual Anti-Repression Week from 18 - 20 November 2024
A University selection committee has appointed Dr Christopher Gevers to the position of Director at the Centre for Applied Legal Studies
CALS represents a mother of two who was convicted of killing her abusive partner during an incident of domestic violence
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights
CALS is set to appear in the High Court in Mahikeng on 5 September representing two environmental justice activists threatened with a SLAPP suit
CALS represents a mother of two who was convicted of killing her abusive partner during an incident of domestic violence
CALS notes the Supreme Court of Appeal's findings in considering whether the recommendations of the South African Human Rights Commission are binding
CALS represents nine individuals who are calling for the arrest of city officials following continued non-compliance with a court order
The second annual Activist Symposium brings together human rights defenders from around the continent and will run from 1 - 3 August 2024
CALS will be in the High Court in Pretoria challenging sections of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act or “SORMA”
The Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS) and the Wits School of Law mourn the loss of Dr Zonke Majodina on 10 July 2024
Civil society organisations write to Parliament to highlight food insecurity as a top priority for the seventh administration
Civil society organisations are hosting the fifth African regional indaba on the UN binding treaty on business and human rights on 20 and 21 June
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights
CALS is set to appear in the High Court in Mahikeng representing two environmental justice activists threatened with a SLAPP suit
CALS and the Right2Protest project launch a model law for protection from strategic litigation against public participation
CALS represents over 1,200 people from villages around Toboyi in the Eastern Cape who are demanding the municipality provide access to water
Members of CALS and R2P will be observing voting and ballot counting at this year's national election
Residents from Zondi in Soweto will be laying charges against City officials on 26 May 2024 after continued failures to implement a court order
CALS expresses its sadness at the passing of Justice Yvonne Mokgoro on Thursday, May 9th, 2024
This week the Commission of Inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the deaths of over 70 people at Usindiso released its first report
CALS is set to appear in the High Court in Mahikeng on Thursday 2 May representing two environmental justice activists in an interdict brought by Tharisa Mine
CALS represented the Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa and argued intimate partner violence must be prosecuted and punished with due care
On 20 and 21 April, CALS hosted the final rounds of the fourth Public Interest Law Moot Court Competition in partnership with the Student Litigation Society
CALS represents residents of Langaville who approached the High Court to prevent the temporary provision of chemical toilets becoming permanent
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights
CALS has applied to intervene in an appeal before the Supreme Court of Appeal that has important implications for Chapter Nine Institutions
The Fair Finance Coalition Southern Africa responds to the Development Bank of Southern Africa calling a civil society workshop on a just transition
Joint release by Living Limpopo, the Centre for Applied Legal Studies and All Rise Attorneys for Climate and Environmental Justice
CALS is very pleased to announce that Ms Busisiwe Kamolane-Kgadima and Ms Sithuthukile Mkhize have been appointed as Acting Director and Acting Deputy Director
One year after Thulani Maseko was murdered in front of his family, his widow continues to face threats as calls for justice go ignored
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights
CALS and the Right2Protest Projecy (R2P) will host the first-ever anti-repression week from 4 – 7 December 2023
CALS and our partners at MACUA and WAMUA write to the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy on the public hearings for the Amendment Bill
Members of the Climate Justice Coalition have joined millions of people all over the world in the call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the occupation
CALS has signed a memorandum of understanding with Afrika Ikalafe on an important project to train traditional leaders
ISLA and CALS are intervening in the controversial S v Coko appeal
CALS will appear in the High Court in Pretoria on Monday in an important case challenging consent as an element of sexual offences
CALS remembers our friend and colleague, Prof Shadrack Gutto, and the role he played at our organisation and in the formation of our constitutional democracy
Survivors and civil society organisations request the release of Dumisa Ntsebeza SC's report into the NPA’s approach towards prosecutions of TRC cases
CALS calls for a victim-centered commission that leads to accountability and holistic solutions following fire in Marshalltown
FFCSA today hosts a press conference to launch a report on the impacts of the Medupi coal power station on the communities of Lephalale
CALS calls upon Parliament to take the necessary steps to fast-track passing legislation on the private use of cannabis
Organisations condemn Gauteng health facilities’ defiance of laws and recent court order on free access to health care for pregnant women
CALS today launches a publication exploring the binding treaty and designed to support African states and organisations engaging with the treaty process
Civil society organisations host the fourth African regional indaba on the UN binding treaty on business and human rights at Parktonian Hotel in Johannesburg
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights
We stand with LGBTIAQ+ people in Uganda and raise strong concerns about the criminalisation of already marginalised people
CALS is in the High Court in Johannesburg on Thursday, 11 May, representing residents of Langaville Extension 8
Civil society organisations are this week partnering to host the first annual Activist Symposium from 10 - 11 May at Wits University
Civil society welcomes Department of Basic Education initiative towards inclusive educational spaces regardless of gender or sexual orientation
On 25 and 26 April, CALS hosted the final rounds of the third Public Interest Law Moot Court Competition in partnership with the Student Litigation Society
Mr Thomas Shabangu has finally received the deed to his family’s home in Daveyton, eight years after it was wrongly sold in execution
The South African government invites Sri Lankan officials with links to alleged war criminals for a study tour on reconciliation and transitional justice
We condemn the criminalisation of LGBTIAQ+ people by the government of Uganda
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights supporting activists and holding the powerful to account
CALS has applied to join a case challenging mistaken belief in consent and the definition of sexual offences in our law
Civil society organisations urge the Presidential Climate Commission to enhance participation of affected communities in Just Energy Transition Investment Plan
CALS and over fifty other organisations and individuals have signed an open letter to the President calling for a statement on the killing of Thulani Maseko
CALS represents human rights groups as friends of the court to make submissions on business and human rights standards
CALS represents two workers groups in the merger between the holding companies of Distell and Heineken before the Competition Tribunal from 18 - 23 January 2023
Joint release by the Centre for Applied Legal Studies, Living Limpopo and All Rise Attorneys for Climate and Environmental Justice
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights supporting activists and addressing victimisation
Join us on 6 December 2022 for the virtual launch of the second edition of 'Victimisation Experiences of Activists in South Africa'
CALS welcomes the Court's finding that abuse of process can accommodate a SLAPP suit defence and calls for Parliament to enact greater protections for activists
CALS and our partners will be conducting workshops on how to expunge criminal records at Sankapano Library in Alexandra on 15 and 16 November 2022
CALUSA notes with concern that national and provincial government has failed to investigate the state of the Sakhisizwe Local Municipality
CALS, Embrace, Women's Legal Centre and SECTION27 welcome the inclusion of obstetric violence at the Presidential Summit on GBVF
Civil Society Working Group on State Capture calls for the President to take decisive action following the final report of the Zondo Commission
Join us for a virtual dialogue celebrating the 41st anniversary of the African Charter on Human and People's Rights
Civil society organisations are in Geneva to continue advocating for a binding treaty on business and human rights and for meaningful participation from states
Four human rights organisations have made a joint submission on the effects of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project on communities' access to water
Six public interest law centres will be in court on 18 and 19 October to defend public interest litigation
Reflections ahead of the next round of treaty negotiations at the United Nations in Geneva later this month
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights expanding the agency of communities to hold the powerful to account
Following amended regulations announced in August, the Black Sash Trust has withdrawn litigation on social relief of distress grants
CALS represents Open Secrets and the Unpaid Benefits Campaign in holding the Financial Sector Conduct Authority to account for unlawfully cancelled pensions
Join us for the virtual launch of an updated guide to social and labour plans for mining-affected communities
Amnesty International and the Southern Africa Litigation Centre have been joined to a class action against Anglo American
CALS has appointed two outstanding candidates to join our team as part-time in-house counsel to lead strategic litigation across our programmes
Representatives from five villages in Limpopo will tomorrow be joined by Members of Parliament for a site inspection of their current water sources
Government failed to deliver over 2,000 promised houses in Marikana, while Sibanye-Stillwater evades accountability and points finger at Lonmin
CALS and our partners at AIDC and Lawyers for Human Rights held a successful indaba on the UN Binding Treaty on business and human rights at the end of July
Civil society organisations raise concern about shrinking civil space and call on President Ramaphosa to hold officials who threaten organisations to account
Representatives from Seraleng will present a petition to Anglo on 1 August at 12:00, calling on the company to fulfil its promise to provide proper housing
CALS is co-hosting this year's national indaba on the UN binding treaty on business and human rights at the Parktonian on 27 and 28 July
CALS is partnering with the Human Rights Commission and the Wits School of Law to host a conversation with the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health
CALS represents the Black Sash Trust in a review of new regulations governing the social relief of distress grants which we argue are unconstitutional
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and catch up on our recent highlights supporting others to raise their voices against injustice
CALS and the Right2Protest Project welcome a historic judgment in a matter brought on behalf of the Right2Know Campaign challenging fees charged for protests
CALS represents communities who have approached the Select Committee on Petitions following years of struggle for proper access to water
Join us for a webinar unpacking South Africa's position on the UN binding treaty on business and human rights
Intern in the Gender Justice programme, Kukhanya Mthimkulu, takes us through a recent capacity building workshop with students from Wits University
In celebration of the Wits centenary, CALS and the Wits School of Law are hosting a series of hybrid seminars on obstetric violence
The Environmental Justice Fund is recruiting members for its Grants Committee who will be responsible for making decisions on grant applications
CALS represents Open Secrets and the Unpaid Benefits Campaign in an application to address the unlawful cancellation of pension funds
CALS and the SA Human Rights Commission are collaborating on a project focusing on the use of the Equality Courts to promote gender justice
Prof Bilchitz has our full support in his application to the UN Working Group on business and human rights
CALS represents two human rights organisations as friends of the court in a class action on the effects of lead mining on women and children in Kabwe, Zambia
Open Letter to Minister Mantashe on the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s failure to hold mining companies accountable
Open letter to the DMRE and the Portfolio Committee on Minerals and Energy on their exclusion of communities as core stakeholders in engagements
Sekhuhune Combined Mining Affected Communities and host communities to protest at Anglo American Platinum's Twickenham mine in Burgersfort on 13 May from 9:00
The Environmental Justice Fund is recruiting! There are two exciting positions available – a full-time Coordinator and part-time Finance Associate
On 28 and 29 April, CALS hosted the final rounds of the second Public Interest Law Moot Court Competition in partnership with the Student Litigation Society
CALS and the Right2Protest Project are assisting the Right2Know Campaign and the Gauteng Housing Crisis Committee in challenging fees charged for protests
CALS represents two BProc graduates who have been allowed to register their "articles" on the journey to becoming admitted attorneys
The Constitutional Court has made a historic finding, granting damages against the police for their failures in a case of kidnapping and rape
Former Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini was today sentenced following her perjury conviction last month
Judges Henney and Thulare of the Western Cape High Court have handed down judgment overturning an order silencing a rape survivor
CALS and the Student Litigation Society announce the four teams through to the semi-finals of this year's Public Interest Law Moot Court Competition
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter for our most recent highlights and reflections
CALS and the Black Sash Trust react to the finding that former Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini is guilty of perjury
CALS Deputy Director Palesa Madi honours one of our founding staff members, Ramarumo Monama, at a ceremonial court sitting at the Johannesburg High Court
CALS represents residents from Rosettenville who will be left homeless if an eviction order is granted against them without alternative accommodation in place
CALS represents two individuals seeking to challenge the bar against BProc graduates from being admitted as attorneys
Today, the Constitutional Court hears argument on section 24 of the Legal Practice Act which bars foreign nationals from admission as legal practitioners
Today, CALS and our partners launch our latest research report into mines operating in Sekhukhune and the experiences of communities living in the area
On Monday, 21 February 2022, a new civil society coalition called Fair Finance South Africa hosts a launch and briefing ahead of the Budget Speech
CALS will be in the Constitutional Court on Thursday to argue that the law needs to be developed to respond to strategic litigation against public participation
CALS hopes to assist the High Court of Malawi sitting as the Constitutional Court in a matter that raises important issues around children's rights
CALS and our partners invite you to the launch of "Unearthing the truth: Have the mines failed the communities in the Sekhukhune region of South Africa?”
CALS and the Student Litigation Society announce the 16 teams through to the third round of this year's Public Interest Law Moot Court Competition
Monday's raid was not only a waste of police resources but conducted in a manner that humiliated the community and resulted in unlawful arrests
The Civil Society Working Group on State Capture urges the Commission to ensure those who enabled state capture are held to account
Statement from the Detention Justice Forum in response to the findings of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Service on solitary confinement
We join the call for accountability following the killing of Dumisani Joxo by police in the City of Cape Town
CALS and the Student Litigation Society announce the 32 teams through to the second round of this year's Public Interest Law Moot Court Competition
Civil society organisations write to Minister of Home Affairs about the decision to no longer issue extensions to Zimbabwean Exemption Permit holders
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter, find out about our work and reflections from the last year
An attorney in the Business and Human Rights programme at CALS reflects on the treaty negotiation process at the United Nations in Geneva this year
Our Business & Human Rights team explains why government needs to implement a policy for either an income support grant or a basic income grant urgently
CALS is appearing before the Constitutional Court in a matter that raises important questions about the right to social security and access to courts
Head of the Gender Justice programme, Sheena Swemmer, explains the importance of acknowledging a particular form of institutional gender-based violence
The South African Transitional Justice Coalition calls for changes to the National Preventive Mechanism in South Africa
Five communities in Limpopo who have been fighting for years for an adequate water supply are set to protest at the Union Buildings to petition the President
Prof Tshepo Madlingozi has signed an expert legal opinion which finds states have an obligation not to block the proposed COVID-19 TRIPS Waiver
Civil society organisations write to the Minister to denounce his response to the Climate Justice Coalition march, threatening litigation instead of engaging
CALS is partnering with Lawyers for Human Rights and the Mandela Institute to host our first community capacitation short course online this week
Organisations advocating for universal basic income register concern over Treasury's plan for grants in the run-up to the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement
CALS attorney Anesu Dera today addresses the chair of the United Nations Human Rights Council on the binding treaty on business and human rights
Head of the Gender Justice programme at CALS explains how legislation and courts intended to protect victims and survivors are used to silence them
The Asina Loyiko Working Group has written to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and mining executives regarding Tendele mine and Mam'Fikile's death
CALS hopes to join an appeal against a judgment ordering that a rape survivor should not disclose that her former partner raped her "to anyone in any manner"
Head of the Gender Justice programme, Sheena Swemmer, takes us through legal definitions of rape and consent and their misapplication in a high court judgment
The South African Coalition for Transitional Justice calls for a reparations policy for those who have experienced gross human rights violations
CALS and our partners invite you to join a virtual consultation on the latest draft of the legally binding instrument on business and human rights on 12 October
Registration is open for the virtual Public Interest Law Gathering taking place on 13 and 14 October 2021
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and find out about our work trying to promote equality and social change
Join us for the virtual launch of "Mental Health, Legal Capacity and Human Rights" co-edited by CALS fellow Faraaz Mahomed
CALS is partnering with Women Affected by Mining United in Action to host a series of workshops around the country on gender-based violence
CALS recently appeared in the Palm Ridge Magistrates Court defending a woman accused of killing her abusive partner during an incident of domestic violence
This year's Public Interest Law Gathering will take place virtually on 13 and 14 October 2021
CALS has filed a complaint with the Speaker of the National Assembly on behalf of a commissioner at the Commission for Gender Equality
Former Minister Bathabile Dlamini faces prosecution for perjury following statements to the Constitutional Court and before a section 38 inquiry
CALS is set to appear in the Palm Ridge Magistrates Court to defend a woman accused of killing her abusive partner during an incident of domestic violence
Civil society organisations are hosting a workshop on 9 September on the threat of cost orders to public interest litigation
The Black Sash Trust welcomes the reinstated and extended special relief of distress grant but notes concerns about the grant amount and its implementation
Abongile Nkamisa of CALS argues that recent civil unrest draws attention to the urgent need for universal basic income support
The Civil Society Working Group on State Capture connects recent civil unrest to the legacy of state capture and corruption
Over sixty civil society organisations write an open letter expressing concern over the current situation in Eswatini
CALS expresses deep concern over the current unrest and calls for a response which includes immediate social relief and long-term change to address inequality
The Coalition responds to the recent civil unrest and the role of government in addressing the underlying issues of economic injustice
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and find out about our work trying to ensure justice and accountability
The Mthatha High Court recently ordered the Sakhisizwe Local Municipality to release documents related to its state of governance
Civil society sends open letter to the President, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Minister of Health on the need to vaccinate mining communities
CALS represents residents from Rosettenville in Johannesburg whose water supply has been unlawfully disconnected by Johannesburg Water
CALS is very pleased to announce that Ms Palesa Madi has officially been appointed as Deputy Director of our organisation
Members of the Bertha Justice Network speak out about the current humanitarian crisis in Palestine
CALS, Black Sash and Freedom Under Law note that former Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini has paid the costs awarded against her personally
CALS represents Open Secrets and the Unpaid Benefits Campaign in a challenge to the secretive process for making appointments to the FSCA
CALS is in the Pretoria High Court this week for a review of the 2018 Mining Charter which we believe was developed without meaningfully engaging communities
The Civil Society Working Group on State Capture publishes an open letter on state capture and corruption this Freedom Day
The Civil Society Working Group on State Capture publishes an open letter on state capture and corruption to mark Freedom Day 2021
CALS represents some of the 900 people facing eviction by the City of Cape Town and are working to ensure their rights are protected during this process
Civil society calls on the President, Treasury and Department of Social Development to extend the special COVID-19 relief of distress grant
On 15 and 16 April, CALS hosted the final rounds of this year's Public Interest Law Moot Court Competition in partnership with the Student Litigation Society
This week CALS has the honour of celebrating our ten year anniversary with two pillars of our organisation, Duduzile Mlambo and Sibongile Ncube
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and find out about our recent wins and losses around activist victimisation and more
A huge congratulations to the four teams going into the semi-finals of this year's Public Interest Law Moot Court Competition
CALS and other member organisations of the Right2Protest Project condemn the extreme use of force which reportedly led to the killing of a bystander by police
Following Friday's hearing, the matter concerning the mass eviction of over 900 people from Cissie Gool House has been postponed to 22 April 2021
Next week, two individuals with terminal illnesses will begin testifying about why they want the right to die
CALS represents around 900 people currently facing eviction from Cissie Gool House in Cape Town
Ms Dlamini has so far avoided all efforts at recovering legal costs she was directed to pay by the Constitutional Court over two years ago
Though education is an important tool in addressing gender-based violence, asserting "educated" people don't rape is misleading and harmful
Deputy Judge President Goliath yesterday ruled that a defamation case brought against environmental activists is inconsistent with our constitutional values
CALS is set to present argument on secondary trauma and the duty of care that police have towards victims of crime, particularly sexual offences
Failure to wear a mask in public is an offence under the current regulations governing adjusted lockdown alert level three
CALS represents a group of residents from Rosettenville who will be left homeless if an eviction order is granted against them on Monday 1 February
Civil society organisations call for an extension of the COVID-19 special grants to assist people who are unemployed during the state of disaster
The High Court today granted CALS leave to present evidence supporting the recognition of the right to die with dignity
The C19 People's Coalition calls for a just response to COVID-19 including equitable access to an effective vaccine
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter and learn how we are supporting activists, challenging unfair decisions and more
CALS and R2P are in the Bloemfontein High Court on 26 November representing the Goldfields Community Forum challenging an interdict against protest
Join us on 24 November from 14:00 for a webinar on the recent social justice sector review and a critical reflection of the sector in the post-apartheid era
CALS will be in the Makhanda High Court tomorrow defending activist Lungile Mxube who has been accused of defamation for speaking out against corruption
Today, the Gauteng High Court will hear an application to interdict the appointments process for the Financial Services Conduct Authority
Residents of the Langaville informal settlement have approached the High Court to compel their Municipality to provide the area with proper sanitation
CALS and the Black Sash Trust remain deeply concerned about the millions affected by the decision to end the Caregiver Grant prematurely
CALS is approaching the Pretoria High Court on behalf of the Black Sash Trust to challenge the decision to end top-up COVID-19 grants
Civil society organisations send an open letter to the government of South Africa on their participation in the negotiation process at the UN in Geneva
Civil society organisations apply to court to prevent the appointments process for South Africa’s top financial sector regulator from proceeding in secret
Civil society organisations speak out on the murder of Somkhele activist Fikile Ntshangase who promoted the land and environmental rights of her community
CALS joins a group of organisations supporting the demands of striking Clover workers and condemning the violence used against them
CALS condemns the murder of environmental community activist Fikile Ntshangase and joins calls for justice
The Right2Protest Project hosted at CALS raises concerns over the brutal treatment of protesters in Nigeria calling for an end to police brutality
Civil society organisations and affected communities host an interactive workshop on the second revised draft of the binding treaty on business and human rights
This week CALS signed a memorandum of understanding with the African chapter of the Attorney General Alliance (AGA-Africa)
Civil Society demands that the government provide support to the most vulnerable in this moment of crisis by extending and increasing SRD and caregivers grants
CALS represents Eastern Cape activist Lungile Mxube who will be appearing in court on Thursday for a defamation case we argue is meritless
On 6 October, CALS and ACCA will be hosting a webinar to formulate an African response to the current draft of the Binding Treaty on Business & Human Rights
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter – featuring game-changing judgments, celebrations, our brand new moot court competition and more
CALS and the Student Litigation Society invite students of law at South African universities to participate in a Public Interest Law Moot Court Competition
Communities all over South Africa are faced with a water crisis resulting from systemic governance failures
Join us for the virtual launch of "A Better Future: The Role of Higher Education for Displaced and Marginalised People" on 2 October 2020 from 15:30 SAST
Civil society organisations wish to express solidarity with workers at Nature's Garden
CALS is set to appear in the Palmridge Magistrates Court to defend a woman accused of killing her abusive partner during an incident of domestic violence
CALS Acting Deputy Director, Palesa Madi, and Stanley Malematja from Right2Protest appear on this year's list of the Mail & Guardian 200 Young South Africans
CALS mourns the loss of a true giant of human rights lawyering, our friend and colleague George Bizos
One week after the High Court ruled sheep may only be exported live by sea under strict welfare standards, they are already being loaded onto a waiting ship
Many voice concern over the judgment against Beatrice Mtetwa which undermines the right to freedom of expression and rights of the accused and detained
New regulations governing lockdown alert level two offer greater protections against evictions and demolitions
The MACUA-WAMUA Advice Office is seeking to appoint a legal intern to support local social audits in mining affected communities around the country
The Eastern Cape High Court is set to hear arguments in an interdict to prevent around 70,000 sheep from being exported live to the Middle East
Join us for a virtual workshop on Decolonial Comparative Law from 6 - 7 October co-hosted with the Wits School of Law and the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg
Limpopo communities call for officials to face jail time and personal costs for consistent failure to provide water in line with court orders even amid pandemic
CALS welcomes the appointment of Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to health
There are pros and cons to the financial measures brought in to provide relief and stimulate the economy
What we've been working on during lockdown, featuring human rights defenders facing SLAPP suits, the difficulties of trying to stay home without a home and more
CALS is very pleased to be partnering with the Nelson Mandela Foundation on a project addressing home, land and tenure issues during lockdown
We are intervening in a 'defamation' case against environmental activists we believe is a perfect example of strategic litigation against public participation
Join the Climate Justice Coalition in calling for a green new Eskom at a digital rally this World Environment Day
Social justice movements and organisations call on government to a reinstate blanket ban on evictions
To mark his first anniversary with us, CALS would like to show our appreciation for a leader who has proved both brilliant and compassionate in trying times
CALS has been admitted as a friend of the court in a matter where the City is attempting to block human rights monitors from accessing a shelter
"We are in a strange form of lockdown" - The everyday realities of lockdown for women living in one of South Africa's rural communities
Dozens of organisations have endorsed a letter to the National Command Council asking for the moratorium on evictions to continue during alert level four
The impossibility of abiding by social distancing regulation by dwellers of shack settlements, inner-city buildings and neglected villages
The Right2Protest Project explore how the lockdown has impacted the right to protest and how activism can continue without gathering in person
The Labour Court has ordered the state to adopt measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in mines and to engage meaningfully with affected communities
Civil society is still concerned over the exclusion of mining affected communities from deliberations and lack of measures to protect them from the coronavirus
Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky argues that our work trying to hold apartheid's banks to account shows the need for urgent reform of the OECD accountability mechanism
Community network MACUA, represented by CALS, is applying to intervene as a friend of the court in AMCU's urgent Labour Court application
University human rights centres call for South African government’s intervention on correctional centres’ conditions during the coronavirus pandemic
We respond to the amendments to Lockdown regulations relating to the mining sector
University centres call on the state to address the plight of migrants during the coronavirus crisis
Civil society writes to President Cyril Ramaphosa and Minister Gwede Mantashe on measures to protect mining-affected communities and workers from coronavirus
A response to the State identifying areas for de-densification in an effort to combat the spread of Coronavirus
While our offices are closed during lockdown, you can still contact any of our teams for legal advice and support or call the national hotline on 066 076 8845
27 social justice movements and organisations have written to government calling for a moratorium on all evictions in light of the coronavirus pandemic
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter – find out about social justice in the time of a pandemic, recent access to info victories and more
We are taking measures to protect our clients and staff, and find ways to continue to advance social justice at a time of social distancing
CALS is set to appear in the Palmridge Magistrates Court to defend a woman accused of killing her abusive partner during an incident of domestic violence
The Department of Correctional Services has complied with a court order to release a report on incidents at Mangaung Correctional Centre
We appeared in the High Court last week representing an individual moved to South Africa’s only super maximum security prison for no clear reason
On 19 February the Civil Society Working Group on State Capture will launch a joint submission to the Zondo Commission of Inquiry
Today the High Court granted us access to a report into incidents at G4S-run Mangaung Correctional Centre and ordered G4S and the state to pay our costs
CALS will be in the Pretoria High Court on 10 February, arguing that mining communities should be able to access mining rights applications
Join us for a side event at this year's Alternative Mining Indaba hosted in partnership with the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria
On Friday, 31 January, members of mining affected community networks and civil society groups will hand deliver comments on two important bills to the DMR
Communities call for officials to face jail time and personal costs for consistent failure to provide water in line with court order
Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter – featuring updates on our recent court battles, judgments, celebrations and much more
CALS appeared in the Constitutional Court today for a landmark judgment that confirms a person can be found guilty of rape on the basis of common purpose
High Court holds Municipality in contempt for failing to comply with a court order directing them to provide villages with water
Next Monday, CALS will appear in the Palmridge Magistrates Court on behalf of a woman accused of killing her abusive partner during one of his frequent attacks
CALS will appear in the High Court on Monday arguing for the release of a report on investigations into claims of torture at the privately run Mangaung prison
Public statement by former student leaders and members of the clergy and civil society concerning #FeesMustFall student activist, Kanya Cekeshe
We send our warmest congratulations to the head of our Environmental Justice programme on the completion of his PhD
Vuyo Sibulali, one of our clients who fights for his community's rights and speaks out against corruption, has received a tip that his life is in danger
CALS will be in the Labour Court on 30 October on behalf of a woman seeking to hold Transnet accountable for failing to address persistent sexual harassment
CALS represents a number of survivors of gender-based violence facing almost constant eviction from a shelter, run by the Gauteng Department of Community Safety
African civil society organisations are calling for a Binding Treaty on business and human rights that reflects African perspectives
CALS and twelve other African civil society organisations call for a UN Binding Treaty on business and human rights that reflects African perspectives
This year's Public Interest Law Gathering will be held on 31 October and 1 November at the New Commerce Building at Wits University
Gravely concerned with the chilling effect of persistent PAIA non-compliance, civil society calls for the urgent operationalisation of the Information Regulator
Southern African civil society organisations are hosting a national indaba to prepare for upcoming treaty negotiations in October
Women's Month victories, struggles and more
Join us to discuss the proposed international legally binding instrument on transnational corporations & other business enterprises with respect to human rights
CALS will appear tomorrow in a landmark case before the Con Court dealing with whether someone can be found guilty of rape on the basis of common purpose
As he steps down from the Constitutional Court, CALS would like to celebrate the remarkable legacy of one of our most illustrious alumni: Justice Edwin Cameron
Join the Wits School of Law on 4 September 2019 for a symposium in honour of CALS alum Justice Edwin Cameron
CALS co-hosted a discussion with the ICJ highlighting the gendered impacts of social and economic violence in South Africa
Congratulations to Abongile Nkamisa, a current CALS intern, on winning a 2019 Woza Women in Law Award
CALS & the ICJ commemorate Women's Month on 14 August with a discussion on gendered economic & social violence – with keynote address by Justice Yvonne Mokgoro
Authorities in Belgium & Luxembourg are refusing to investigate CALS' complaint detailing the role of European banks in supporting and profiting from apartheid
Con Court admits CALS as friend of the court in an important matter dealing with whether someone can be found guilty of rape on the basis of common purpose
Join us for an event co-hosted with the Incarceration Nations Network on 8 November 2019 featuring guests from Ghana, Brazil, Kenya, Norway, the U.S. and more
CALS joins call for the UN Independent Expert on violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity to be renewe
Our Environmental Justice team comments on proposed updates to financial provisions for rehabilitating environmental damage caused by mining
Meet our new Director, catch up on Apartheid's Banks, bail applications and more
CALS joins African civil society groups to call for reform in Zimbabwe
The High Court today admitted CALS as a friend of the court in a matter brought by two terminally ill individuals against the Minister of Health and Others
The first in our series of seminars bringing together current and former acting judges to discuss the issues they face in courtrooms took place on 30 May 2019
One year after CALS and Open Secrets brought to light evidence that European banks profited from apartheid, no decision has been made on whether to investigate
We are very pleased to announce Dr Tshepo Madlingozi has been appointed as the new Director of CALS from June this year
This Human Rights Day, civil society working group recognises the struggle against state capture as a struggle for human rights
Catch up on all things CALS in 2019
CALS is not only a law clinic, but also a research centre at Wits University. We have a unique role to play in connecting social justice and academia
Prof Bonita Meyersfeld will be appointed a Knight of the National Order of Merit by France for her work on gender-based violence on 19 March 2019
A member of one of our client communities, Butibuti Mabuso, has written an open letter to the President about the lack of access to water in rural Limpopo
Competition Tribunal places a number of conditions on the merger between Lonmin and Sibanye on existing social commitments and establishing a community forum
A complaint of sexual harassment has been made to the Wits Gender Equity Office by someone in the Wits community against a staff member at CALS
To celebrate our 40th birthday, CALS is hosting an open sympsoium on 1 November at the Chalsty Centre themed 'Reflecting on the past and dreaming of the future'
Join us for a side event at the UN in Geneva on 19 October 2018 discussing African perspectives on the binding treaty on business and human rights
South African Academics and NGOS welcome Draft of Treaty to Regulate, in International Human Rights Law, the Activities of Transnational Corporations
Prof Bonita Meyersfeld has been named a Knight of the National Order of Merit by the President of France in recognition of her work on gender-based violence
CALS is partnering with Jacana Media to host the launch of Prof John Dugard’s memoirs "Confronting Apartheid" in conversation with Justice Edwin Cameron.
CALS and Black Sash note SCA ruling that it is up to government to protect social grants from predatory marketing practices and unlawful deductions
CALS and Black Sash welcome today's Con Court judgment ordering Minister Dlamini to pay a portion of legal costs resulting from last year's social grants crisis
CALS and three of SA’s largest mining community networks MACUA, WAMUA and MEJCON-SA comment on the 2018 draft Mining Charter
As part of this year's Public Interest Law Gathering, CALS will be hosting a panel and launching our report on activist victimisation
Today's judgment provides reasons the Court granted an extension of the CPS contract and awards costs against SASSA and its CEO in her official capacity
CALS & the LRC will appear in the Con Court tomorrow to highlight the importance of public consultation by the state when entering into international agreements
Join us for this year's Public Interest Law Gathering hosted at Wits University from 4 – 5 September 2018
CALS, ActionAid and Laywers for Human Rights are partnering with DIRCO to host a discussion on the proposed UN Binding Treaty from 21 August in Johannesburg
CALS will be in the Supreme Court of Appeal on 16 and 17 August to ensure social grant beneficiaries are protected from unauthorised and unlawful deductions
Over 90 organisations come together to condemn physical and verbal attacks on environmental justice activists in South Africa
Teddy Bear Foundation and CALS welcome Constitutional Court judgment confirming time limits for prosecuting sexual offences unconstitutional
UN Independent Expert supports complaint by CALS and Open Secrets against European banks complicit in defying UN arms sanctions during apartheid
CALS and the South African Journal on Human Rights are hosting a day long colloquium entitled 'Land and property in a contested terrain' on 2 July 2018
Prof Cathi Albertyn has been awarded the NRF SARChI Research Chair in Equality, Law and Social Justice
The Business and Human Rights Resource Centre is looking for a new Researcher and Representative for Southern and Anglophone West Africa
Open Secrets and CALS go to Europe to demand accountability for the international banks that financed apartheid
CALS condemns Johannesburg Mayor Herman Mashaba's recent comments about "so-called" human rights lawyers
CALS and Open Secrets invite you to a discussion on accountability for apartheid era economic crimes
CALS nominates lawyer responsible for bringing dictator Hissène Habré to justice for crimes against humanity for the Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Award
The Constitutional Court yesterday handed down judgment in the latest application to extend an unlawful contract to pay social grants
Despite a court order declaring mining affected communities are core stakeholders, they were again left out of Mining Charter talks this weekend
Closing arguments in the Constitutional Court mandated inquiry into the former Minister of Social Development’s personal liability will be heard on 19 March
It has been nearly a year since CALS and Black Sash approached the Constitutional Court to avoid a national crisis in the social grants system
The High Court has ruled that the Presidency acted unconstitutionally in supporting a resolution to suspend the SADC Tribunal
CALS has been admitted as a ‘friend of the court’ in a defamation case brought by Mineral Sands Resources in an attempt to silence and threaten activists
The Pretoria High Court has today recognised mining affected communities as core stakeholders who must be consulted on Mining Charter
Communities informed Minister of Mineral Resources and Chamber of Mines seek to postpone Mining Charter challenge
The Pretoria High Court is set to hear arguments on the Mining Charter from mining community networks from 19 – 21 February
CALS is hosting a side panel at this year's Alternative Mining Indaba on our intervention in the Mining Charter review on behalf of mining community networks
CALS will appear in the High Court next week arguing that the Presidency cannot bind South Africa to international treaties without first consulting the public
The Constitutional Court mandated enquiry into the Minister of Social Developments’ personal liability is set to take place from 22 - 26 January in Midrand
The Compliance Advisor Ombudsman will investigate a complaint by the women of Marikana on Lonmin’s failure to comply with its social and labour plans
The African Coalition for Corporate Accountability is recruiting for a project co-ordinator
Constitutional Court declares City of Johannesburg shelter rules unconstitutional
CPS financial statement submitted to the Constitutional Court, audited by KPMG, has not provided enough information to determine how much the company benefited
High Court rules community networks must be joined to Mining Charter review and Chamber of Mines must pay costs for opposing their application
The Chamber of Mines complains the Mining Charter was developed without meaningful consultation, yet opposes community networks joining its review
CALS will represent the Teddy Bear Foundation at the Constitutional Court on 14 November 2017 to argue there should be no prescription for sexual offences
CALS and the Black Sash Trust are monitoring developments in the social grant payments system
Owners of properties in Soweto are charged rates and taxes though their stands are not connected to basic services and they are unable to occupy their own land
Mineral Sands Resources uses ‘defamation’ case in an attempt to intimidate and silence human rights defenders
The first hearings on the arms trade will take place from 3-7 February 2018 and Justice Zak Yacoob and Yasmin Sooka will form part of the panel of adjudicators
Mining communities demand meaningful engagement on the systems intended to benefit them
CALS and the South African Journal on Human Rights will convene a Colloquium on ‘Land and Property in a Contested Terrain’ in July 2018
The Inquiry into Minister Bathabile Dlamini's involvement in the social grants crisis is set to begin on 22 January 2018
The Access to Information Network releases its annual shadow report
Constitutional Hill, Johannesburg First Hearings: 8-12 November 2017
Client communities from five Limpopo villages are calling for officials to face jail time for failing to comply with a court order to provide water
CALS Deputy Director Lisa Chamberlain adds to publication on accessing remedies for corporate human rights abuses
LvA seeks to appoint an Attorney on a full-time basis, based in Diepsloot, Johannesburg
Business and Human Rights Resource Centre is seeking a Programme Manager for its Corporate Legal Accountability work
Con Court orders Justice Bernard Ngoepe to be appointed as referee in case against SASSA
Call by Human Rights Organisations for Urgent Intervention by the South African government to stop gross human rights violations in the Republic of South Sudan
CALS is very proud to announce that Nomonde Nyembe has been listed as one of the Mail & Guardian's 200 Young South Africans for 2017
Court overturns cost order sought against community activist by West Coast Resources
Civil society calls on government to support resolutions to address violence against women & to end child marriage currently before the UN Human Rights Council
New Mining Charter incorporates transformative changes from CALS reports
Court finds prescription periods for prosecuting any sexual offences invalid
Con Court orders that Minister Dlamini be joined to social grants case in personal capacity
Court to hear argument on prescription periods for prosecuting sexual assault
Save the date for this year's Public Interest Law Gathering from 24 - 26 July 2017 at the University of the Western Cape
The Black Sash Trust, represented by the Centre for Applied Legal Studies, launches Constitutional Court application against SASSA to protect social grants
CALS challenges the gendered impact of City of Johannesburg shelter rules
Legal challenge to the transformative aspirations of the Mining Charter continues
West Coast Resources seeks cost order to silence community activist
A call to uphold constitutional commitments and to vote against the resolution to suspend the work of UN expert on sexual orientation and gender identity
Groups call for openness and commitment to sustainability
A Coming Together of Public Interest Law Practitioners in South Africa
A Coming Together of Public Interest Law Practitioners in South Africa
Statement of support by the Right2Know Campaign
The Tshisimani Centre for Activist Education is keen to support the development and offering from 2017 of a programme for lawyers involved in social justice law
Court orders Gauteng MEC for Housing to provide policies on RDP housing allocation.
Applications for the appointment to the full time position of Project Co-ordinator of the Wits Justice Project (WJP) are now open.
Statement on the detention of Hossam Bahgat by members of the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations.
Charges against 141 protesting workers and students withdrawn.
Yesterday, CALS – a human rights organisation based at the School of Law at Wits University – marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria.
CALS mourns the loss of Mr Gednezar Dladla, who passed away on the morning of 18 October 2015.
African and Asian researchers submit final report for UN project on national action plans for business and human rights to the UN Working Group.