A. Research papers in refereed journals
- M M Ali and L Masinga. “A nonlinear optimization model for optimal order quantities with stochastic demand rate and price change.” Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 3 (2007), 139-154.
- J P F Charpin, T G Myers, M Lombe and P de Hill. “Transportation of a water based slurry in an open furrow, launder or stream.” Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 107 (2007), 95-98.
- A D Fitt, D P Mason and E A Moss. “Group invariant solution for a pre-existing fluid-driven fracture in impermeable rock”. ZAMP (Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics), 58 (2007), 1049-1067.
- D P Mason and T R Stacey. "Support to rock excavations provided by sprayed liners." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 45 (2008), 773-788.
- TG Myers and JPF Charpin. "Modelling the temperature, maturity and moisture content in a drying concrete block." Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies Journal, 1 (2008), 24-48
- N Fowkes, J A T de Freitas and T R Stacey. "Crack repair using an elastic filler". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 56 (2008), 2749 - 2758.
- DP Mason and H Abelman. "Support provided to rock excavations by a system of two liners." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 46 (2009), 1197-1205.
- TG Myers, ND Fowkes and Y Ballim. "Modelling the cooling of concrete by piped water." Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 135 (2009)1375 - 1383.
- N Fowkes and AP Basson. "Piped water cooling of concrete: an exercise in scaling." Journal of Engineering Education, 15 (2009), 51-57.
- AG Fareo and DP Mason. "Group invariant solutions for a pre-existing fluid driven fracture in permeable rock". Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications.12 (2011), 767 - 779.
- H Ockendon, D P Mason, D Fanucchi, T La Foy, T. Oliphant and M. Khalique. 'A mathematical model of a road block'. Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies. 2 (2010), 134 - 154.
- M Anthonyrajah and D P Mason. 'Conservation laws and invariant solutions in the Fanno model for turbulent compressible flow.' Mathematical and Computational Applications.15 (2010), 529 - 542.
- T G Myers and S L Mitchell. 'A Mathematical analysis of the motion of an in-flight soccer ball.' Sports Engineering DOI 10.1007/s12283-012-0105-8
- A Hutchinson. "Controlled roof collapse during secondary mining in coal mines". International Journal of Differentail Equations, 21 pages, DOI 10.1155/2012/806078
- Anthonyrajah M, Mason DP and Fareo AG. "Propogation of a pre-existing turbulent fluid fracture". International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 54 (2013, 105-114
- Fareo AG and Mason DP. "Group invariant solutions for a pre-existing fracture driven by a power-law fluid in impermeable rock". Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 18 (2013), 3298 - 3316.
- Please C, Mason DP, Khalique CM, Ngnotchouye JMT, Hutchinson AJ, van der Merwe N and Yilmaz H. "Fracturing of an Euler-Bernoulli beam in coal mine pillar extraction." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 64 (2013), 132- 138.
- Pedro JO, Dangor M, Dahunsi OA and Ali MM. "Differential evolution-based PID control of nonlinear full-car electrohydraulic suspensions". Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID261582, 13 pages, DOI 10.1155/2013/261582.
- Phillips R, Woolway M, Fanucchi D and Ali M. "Mathematical modeling and optimal blank generation in glass manufacturing." Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 2014, Article ID 959453, 12 pages, DOI 10.1155/2014/959453.
- Kgatle MRR and Mason DP. "Propogation of a linear hydraulic fracture with tortuosity." International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 61 (2014), 39-53
- Please CP, Fowkes ND, Mason DP, Khalique CM, Hutchinson A, Rademeyer MC, Loubser RC and Davis SB. "Extraction of molasses from sugar crystals". Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. 19 (2014), 347 - 358.
- Aldila D, Hutchason AJ, Woolway M, Owen-Smith N and Soewona E. "A mathematical model of black rhino translocation strategy." Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, 47 (2015), 104 - 115.
- Fowkes ND, Hocking G, Mason DP, Please CP, Kgatle MRR, Yilmaz H and van der Merwe N. "Models for the effect of rising water in abandoned mines on seismic activity". International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,77 (2015), 246-256.
- Fowkes ND and Basson AP. "Batch processing in a glass furnace." The Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 57 (2015), 175-188.
- Kgatle MMR and Mason DP "Linear hydraulic fracture with tortuosity: Conservation laws and fluid extraction". International Journal of non-Linear Mechanics, 79, (2016), 10-25.
- Hocking GC and Mitchell SL. "A model of flow in a sugar diffuser." IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 81 (2016), 984 - 998.
- Newman D, Hutchinson AJ and Mason DP. "Tensile fracture analysis of a thin Euler - Bernoulli beam and transition to the voussoir model." International Journal of rock Mechannics and Mining Sciences, 102 (2018), 78 - 88.
- Myers T G, Font F and Hennessy M G. “ Mathematical modelling of carbon capture in a packed column by adsorption”. Applied Energy, Volume 278, 2020, Article 115567.
- Myers T G and Font F. “ Mass transfer from a fluid flowing through a porous media”. International J of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 163, 2020, Article 120374.
Broadbridge P and Hutchinson AJ. “”Integrable nonlinear reaction-diffusion population models for fisheries”. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 102 (2022), 748- 767.
Broadbridge P and Hutchinson AJ, Li X and Mann BQ. “Stratified mobility fishery models with harvesting outside of no-take areas.” Applied Mathematical Modelling, 105 (2022), 29- 49.
- Aguareles M, Calvo-Schwarzwalder M, Font F and Myers TG. "A mathematical model for the energy stored in green roofs". Applied Mathematical Modelling, 115, 2023, 513-540.
- Fowkes ND and Mason DP. "Double layered compressible masks". ANZIAM Journal 2023, 1-26 DOI: 10. 1017/S 1446181123000056.
- Mason DP, Fowkes ND, Yemata RM, Onyeagoziri CA and Yilmaz H. "Well stabilization in mines by spray-on liners". ANZIAM Journal 2023, 1-24 DOI: 10. 1017/S 1446181123000172.
- Fomeni FD, Ali M, Fernandez DA, Cabrera-Codony A and Monclus H. "An optimization model for the energy management of the network of tanks in a drinking water distribution system". International Transactions in Operational Research 2024, 1-22
DOI: 10.1111/itor. 13607
B. Refereed conference proceedings
- M Mitchley, M Sears and S Damelin. "Target detecion in hyperspectral mineral data using wavelet analysis". Proceedings of IEEE IGRASS 2009. Accepted. 3182 Final.pdf.
- L du Plessis, S Damelin and M Sears. "Reducing the dimensionality of hyperspectral data using diffusion maps". Proceedings of IEEE IGRASS 2009. Accepted. 3194 Final.pdf.
- C Musingwini, M M Ali and T Dikgale. "A linear programming and stochastic analysis of mining replacement rate for typical Bushveld Complex platinum reef conventional mining under variable geological losses." Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection and Eleventh International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production, Banff, Canada, 16 - 19 November, 2009, pp 551 - 565. MPES_2009_Paper_V1.pdf.
- J Pedro, M Dangor, O Dahunsi and MM Ali. "DE-based PID control of full-car-nonlinear servo-hydraulic suspension systems". Proceedings of the IEE Africon 2013 Conference, Mauritius, September 2013. Accepted.
T G Myers, S L Mitchell and P Slatter. “ An asymptotic analysis of the laminar-turbulent transition of yield stress fluids in pipes”. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 811 (2017) 012007. DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/811/1/012007 An asymptotic analysis of the laminar-turbulent transition of yield stress fluid
C. Proceedings of MISG
Each report is refereed by two independent referees