In 2010, a Planing second year class project on the theme "Playing, leaning and eating in Yeoville", organised a number of workshops on mapping the neighborhoods and sharing stories, with grade 11 learners at Cheikh Anta Diop School in Yeoville. A Planning Honours student at the time, Potsiso Phasha built on this project to better understand what it means to be young in Yeoville in 2010. He asked five of these learners, willing to participate in his project, to take photographs answering a series of questions. The questions asked were:
These photographs and the narratives they elicited were consolidated into posters, that were presented in several public events in Yeoville. "Potsiso Phasha, who coordinated this project received an award from the South African Planning Association (SAPI) for his Honours thesis entitled Youth Perceptions of Public Space in Yeoville: An Autophotographic Approach.
A project facilitated by Potsiso Phasha