Writing Retreat - 2020/2021 Postgraduate
As part of the department’s focus on developing research and writing skills students regularly go on writing retreats. These are an opportunity for independent writing, real-time feedback from staff and during the period of online learning, an opportunity for staff and students to work together in one location.

Public Culture Excursions – 2021
Public Culture examines a cluster of concepts that have become central to how we think and act in the interdisciplinary field of Heritage Studies. The course focuses on how notions of culture are understood and deployed in the public sphere, by and for various stakeholders, to various ends. Regular excursions take place during this semester and in 2021 these included options for students not based in Johannesburg. Trips included the Voortrekker Monument and Freedom Park, Marabastad and beyond: Pretoria’s heritage ‘from below’: Session on public history led by Dr. Ali Khangela Hlongwane (Wits History Workshop), Fietas, the Hector Pieterson Memorial Museum and the Credo Mutwa site.