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AI & “Information” in Pandemic Times

To disseminate this information, the Data Science for Social Impact research group at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, has worked on curating and applying publicly available data in a way that is computer readable so that information can be shared to the public – using both a data repository and a dashboard. Through collaborative practices, a variety of challenges related to publicly available data in South Africa came to the fore. These include shortcomings in the accessibility, integrity, and data management practices between governmental departments and the South African public. In this paper, solutions to these problems will be shared by using a publicly available data repository and dashboard as a case study.  And also  Constraints inspire creativity in data science. Vukosi Marivate of the University of Pretoria talks about doing NLP with low-resource languages, and shares how a growing multinational collaboration is shaping the future of data science in Africa through innovation.

Additional Resources

  • Marivate, V. (2020). A repo and dashboard for COVID-19 in South Africa. [online] Vukosi Marivate’s Website. Available at: #2020/03/18/covid19za-dashboard-how-why/ 
  • Vukosi Marivate's Website – Tomorrow has never been brighter…. (
  • In 2020 Dwolatzky launched his own podcast series entitled “Optimizing: Leading Africa’s Digital Future”. This podcast and other thought leadership content is available on the website Dwolatzky launched at 
  • Francis, J.M., Myers, B., Nkosi, S., Petersen Williams, P., Carney, T., Lombard, C., Nel, E. and Morojele, N. (2019). The prevalence of religiosity and association between religiosity and alcohol use, other drug use, and risky sexual behaviours among grade 8-10 learners in Western Cape, South Africa. PLOS ONE, 14(2), p.e0211322.

  • Senderowicz, L., Pearson, E., Hackett, K., Huber-Krum, S., Francis, J.M., Ulenga, N. and B?rnighausen, T. (2021). “I haven’t heard much about other methods”: quality of care and person-centredness in a programme to promote the postpartum intrauterine device in Tanzania. BMJ Global Health, [online] 6(6), p.e005775. Available at: 

