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Safe Zones

The Safe Zones @ Wits programme strives to erase prejudice, while providing a support system for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, queer and other sexual orientations and gender identities (LGBTIAQ+) community at Wits University. Through education, advocacy and awareness-raising, the programme contributes to a campus climate that is safe and accepting for all members of the University community.

A Safe Zones ally is defined as an individual who supports and honours diversity, acts accordingly to challenge acts of prejudice against LGBTIAQ+ people and is willing to explore and understand these forms of bias at individual and institutional levels. We invite all University members to consider becoming Safe Zone allies. Allies who have completed the training will receive a sticker and badge that they can display in their offices or living space; these items are a bold declaration that the space in which it is displayed is a "Safe Zone."

Members are also provided with a training manual as handy reference guide should they ever need it, and they are kept up to date with relevant resources and events.

To sign up for Safe Zones@Wits ally training, or to find your nearest Safe Zones@Wits ally,  contact us.
