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2013 Teaching and Learning Symposium

The Centre for Health Science Education (CHSE) will be hosting the 2013 Teaching and Learning
Symposium on the 18th September 2013.
The title for this years symposium is Embracing a Knowledge Economy.
Educators will discuss various methods employed in teaching within the Health Sciences.

Annual South African Society for Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Congress 2013

The 47thAnnual Congress 2013 of the SASBCP will join the Three's Company Conference
in Cape Town from 4-6 October 2013.

Visit the 3's Company Conference 2013 website


17th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WCP2014)

For the first time ever, the World Congress of Pharmacology will be held on the African continent.
The South African Society for Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, will be hosting the WCP Congress
at the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa from 13-18 July 2014.

For more information regarding the congress, visit the WCP2014 website at


Annual South African Society for Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Congress 2015

The Department of Pharmacology at WITS University, will be the host of the Annual SASBCP
congress to be held in 2015.
More details to follow

