What is Nursing?
Nursing is one of the health care professions that is diverse and uniquely rewarding. Nursing combines compassion, knowledge and sophisticated health technology to achieve its goals: to restore, maintain and promote the health off individuals, groups or communities.
Nursing is a science and an art: The science component is the development and application of nursing knowledge and techniques. The art of nursing is the establishment of a caring, compassionate relationship through which nurses apply knowledge and skill in a discerning and ethical manner.
What do nurses do?
Nurses are on the frontline of health care delivery and form the core of the health care team that includes doctors, physiotherapists, social workers, pharmacists and many more. Daily nursing care is a blending of science and technology with the art of caring for people and groups in need of health care. Nurses work in a range of health care settings.
- Diagnoses: Identify key health issues and formulate nursing diagnosis based on sound data/ evidence at hand.
- Planning; nurses develop care plans of varying levels of sophistication to address identified health problems and set goals for improvement. Where possible patients are encouraged to participate in their own planning.
- Implementation: Nursing plans are put into effect and monitored towards goal achievement. During this process patients are supported and educated.
Evaluation: Nurses review the results of the plan and reflect on their own actions, values and attitudes throughout. Modifications and personal adoptions are made where indicated.