Research Chairs
SA UK Bilateral Research Chair in Political Theory
The SA UK Bilateral Research Chair in Political Theory has four central purposes:
- to enable Wits and Cambridge to build on their excellence in political theory through a vigorous exchange of ideas from different contexts;
- to use this collaboration to increase the prominence and promise of political theory in South Africa by transforming the discipline and promoting South Africa's transformation agenda;
- to manage a vibrant exchange programme for graduate students and colleagues between the two institutions (WITSPOLIS) International Students Witwatersrand/Cambridge Exchange Programme; and
- to supervise and mentor graduate students, postdoctoral and bilateral research fellows at both institutions.
NRF SARChI Chair in History
The National Research Foundation awarded a Research Chair on the theme ‘Local Histories and Present Realities’ to Prof. Philip Bonner in 2007 and renewed this to Prof. Noor Nieftagodien in 2012. The initiative funds a cohort of postgraduate students, post-doctoral fellows and researchers in disciplines across the humanities.
Much of the History Workshop’s research agenda has been based on the premise that well-researched historical perspectives are indispensable to the social sciences and more generally their endeavours to engage with the political, social and economic issues of the present.