Outcome 1: The qualifying student is able to apply theoretical knowledge and interventions to clients. Students complete psychotherapy and psychopathology modules in which they learn about the theory of psychotherapy and psychopathology.
Outcome 2: The qualifying student is competent to choose, administer, score and interpret a variety of psychometric assessment instruments, and to use this data to aid in diagnosis and treatment planning.
This is accomplished through exposure to assessment instruments, application of said instruments in formal practical assessment of patients, and assessment of students’ applied and theoretical knowledge by means of written reports.
Outcome 3: The qualifying student acquires professional presentation and communication skills.
Students conduct case conference presentations, facilitate seminar discussions, and submit written assignments and psychotherapy/assessment reports.
Outcome 5: The qualifying student displays awareness of the ethical dimensions of his/her work, and is able to conduct himself/herself according to a professional code of ethical conduct.
Students are taught and assessed on their knowledge of the ethical code of conduct of the Professional Board for Psychology, as well as having to apply their minds to ethical issues arising in their practical work, as well as in ethically problematic case studies.
Outcome 6: The qualifying student displays an understanding of the theory and practical skills required for community-based counselling, and is able to effectively make community interventions.
Students are provided with a module of community psychology training that involves both a theoretical understanding and practical assignments.
Outcome 7: The qualifying student shows research competence.
Students are required to plan and implement a research project, using acceptable scientific methodologies, and to dialogue the results of their research with professional literature in the field.