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Explosive New Book Sounds the Alarm on Dangerous Environmental Extremism

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Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death, by Dr. James Wanliss, Exposes Pagan Roots and Anti-Human Bias of "Green" Environmentalism; Promotes Christian Understanding of How People and Nature Can Thrive Together

Contact: Melinda Kay Ronn, 917-743-7836, melindakayronn@aol.com 

WASHINGTON, March 16, 2011 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation has released an explosive new book exposing the anti-Christian religious foundations of much environmentalism, including even much of the "Creation Care" movement in the faith-based community. 

Written by Dr. James Wanliss, a physicist and lay theologian, Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death, is a 310-page book that details the worldview, theology, and ethics of the Green movement and contrasts them with the Christian faith that is the foundation of Western Civilization.

"My book seeks to display the incompatibility of modern environmentalism with Western Civilization and suggests an alternative path that leads to godly dominion, not death," Wanliss says. "I also show how the Green movement seeks to co-opt the church, and why the church should resist by teaching the Biblical relationship between humanity and the rest of creation that leads to the flourishing of both nature and humanity."

"This book is both important and timely," says Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Founder and National Spokesman of the Cornwall Alliance. "Today's environmentalism isn't a neutral set of ideas that can be tacked onto the Christian faith without theological compromise. Instead, it promotes its own worldview and its own doctrines of God, creation, humanity, sin, and salvation. And those doctrines aren't Biblical."

As Bron Taylor, a world-renowned scholar on nature religion, puts it:

... there is a religious dimension to much environmentalism. Those ... engaged in nature-based spiritualities, both overtly and in subtle ways, are converting many to an evolutionary worldview and an environmentalist spirituality and ethics. ... this is one reason [churches] are having trouble even keeping their own children in the fold. 

"There is no doubt that the Green movement is attempting to infuse the Christian church with an environmentalist reinterpretation of the gospel of Jesus Christ," Wanliss says. "Environmentalism has penetrated the church with anti-human and anti-Christian ideas. Rather than rebuffing environmentalist tactics, much of the 'creation care' movement in the church has been remarkably susceptible to Green guilt manipulation and anti-Biblical teaching."

Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death shows how environmentalists exploit religious language in hope of manipulating people of faith to embrace a changed consciousness and earth-centered political activism. The book examines the worldview, theology, ethics, and politics of environmentalism in depth in seven chapters:

  1. Green Dragon: How Environmentalism Gets It Wrong and Endangers Society;
  2. The Church Complicit: How Environmentalism Has Penetrated the Church with Anti-Human and Anti-Christian Ideas;
  3. Created in the Image of God: Why Humans are More Special to God than Other Creatures;
  4. Naked Ape: How Nature is Not Divine, and Humans are Spiritually Superior to All Other Creatures; 
  5. Dominion: How Humans' Filling and Subduing the Earth Can Release It from Bondage;
  6. Death Wish: How the "Sustainability" Chimera is Harmful to the Environment and Politically Dangerous;
  7. Dominion, Not Death: How Environmentalism Harms the Poor and Biblical Christianity Offers the True Hope for the Future.

The book is published by The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, the world's leading evangelical voice on environmental stewardship and development. The Cornwall Alliance is a network of theologians, pastors, ministry leaders, scientists, economists, and policy experts committed to bringing Biblical worldview, theology, and ethics together with excellent science and economics to achieve economic development for the poor, environmental protection and restoration, and the proclamation and defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

James A. Wanliss, Ph.D., is a lay theologian and physicist. His entry into the environmental debate began when he was asked to teach a university course that scientifically examined several prominent claims of the Green movement that proved to be either false or highly exaggerated. As he explored the movement further, seeking the origins of its flawed scientific claims, he found that its pervasively religious terminology showed that it was an alternative to the Christian faith. Born in South Africa and educated there (undergraduate degrees in applied mathematics and physics, University of Cape Town; master of science in geophysics, University of the Witwatersrand) and Canada (Ph.D. in physics, University of Alberta), he has been an elder in the Free Church of Scotland and is now associate professor of physics at Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC, where he lives with his Korean-born wife Esther and his daughters Grace Eun-Hye and Sophia Ji-Hye. His academic research interests are broad, ranging from space physics to pharmacotherapy and human factors psychology. His extracurricular studies include Christian theology and apologetics.

TITLE: Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death
AUTHOR: James Wanliss, Ph.D
PUB DATE: March 2011
PRICE: $29.95 Hardcover 
ISBN: 978-1-886568-58-7

For an interview, guest spot, or review copy call Melinda Kay Ronn at 917/743-7836, or email at melindakayronn@aol.com. For more information go to www.resistingthegreendragon.com.