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Scholarship of Learning and Teaching: A Marang Authentic Conversations project (SoLTMAC)

We academics work in silos and as a result, we get deprived of a deep reservoir of insights about teaching and learning that reside in each one of us within and across departments, faculties, and institutions.

As teacher educators (and academics in general), unlike other professionals, lack the continuing conversations with colleagues about our experiences that can have the potential to help us to learn to teach and to face the rapid changes that we are all experiencing both locally and globally. Unlike doctors and lawyers, we conduct our practice in private.

We rarely talk to each other about our day-to-day teaching. If we consider junior doctors for example, they observe senior doctors as part of learning to be doctors but there is nothing like that for lecturers/teacher educators at university. Our teaching is privatized and as a result, academics especially novices suffer the pain of isolation.

The SoLTMAC project is an attempt to establish a space for continuous dialogue about our practices (about teaching research and citizenship) as a means for induction of novices and of continuous professional development of its members. The project is driven by authentic conversations where frustrations are vented out, successes are celebrated and justice and mercy are practiced.

Come and experience the power of sharing experiences through authentic conversations as a means of supporting each other’s CAREER progression: None but ourselves can support each other to develop the scholarship of teaching and Research.

Eunice Nyamupangedengu, Lawan Abdulhamid, Magdeline Stephen, Herman Tshesane, Portia Mabenge, Judah Makonye, Monde Kazeni, Mabel Mabalane, Caleb Mandikonza, Julius Ajayi