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PhD and Master's Degrees



  PhD Theses and Master's Dissertations

PhD research

LINK PhD graduates' successful theses:

Current LINK PhD students, and their research topics:

  • Nadia Bulbulia: Plurality and Diversity in the Transition from Broadcasting to Audio and Audiovisual Content Services (AAVCS) in South Africa, 2012-2023
  • Mark Burke: Rethinking Identity, Privacy and Citizenship in Public Service Digitalisation
  • Ndumiso Dana: Intersections between Technology and Sustainability at Community Radio Stations in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
  • Ditshego Magoro: Investigating Cultural Knowledge Systems, Mandhwane and Mind Mobilisation for Rural Communities in the Digital Era
  • Johanna Mavhungu: Critical Analysis of Contours of Film and Television Industries' Convergence in South Africa
  • Gerhard Petrick: Competing Spectrum  Demands  for  Broadcast and Mobile  Services in the  Ultra-High-Frequency  Band  in SADC
  • Peace Tusingwire: A Critical Examination of the Academics' Pedagogical Practices and the Role of the Social Shaping of Technologies in Higher Education in Uganda

Master's research

LINK Master's graduates' successful dissertations and research reports, as produced in the current MA ICTPR and MA IDKES programmes and in the earlier MM ICTPR prgramme:

Successful Wits MA research report by student co-supervised by the Wits LINK Centre:
