Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary loans (ILL) is a service which supports and enhances the University Library collections when these fail to meet the needs of the University academic staff and postgraduate students. ILLs are transactions between the libraries of institutions to facilitate access to information which extends beyond that held by any individual library, and there is usually a cost incurred. This service is based on the premise that no single library can meet completely the information needs of researchers.
First floor of the Wartenweiler Library (East Campus)
This service is primarily for the use of the WITS Staff community, researchers, and postgraduate students.
How to Request?
- Submit your request only online via our interlibrary loans’
No email and paper form requests are accepted
The more detailed the information supplied (i.e. author, title, international standard book number (ISBN), edition, publisher and date of publication, in the case of books; and journal title, volume, date, author and title of article and page numbers, in the case of journals, the more rapidly the item is likely to be supplied.
- We will locate the item & place a request with the lending
- Once the item arrives, we will notify you and it will be available for pickup at the library
Loan Period
- Library patrons shall abide by the loan period stipulated by the lending library and the loan period may be renewed upon request if not in demand by its own
- Library patrons shall renew their loans at least a week before the loan period Requests for loan renewals made on or after the loan period expires shall not be accepted.
Contacts Us
Inter Library Loans
Phone: (011) 717 1945
Sipho Ndlovu
Phone: (011) 717-1951
Ronny Maphali
Phone: (011) 717-1951
All ILL enquiries for the Team:
Health Sciences Library (ILL)
Wits Health Sciences Library requests should be made directly to WHSL. Email or phone 27 11 717 2350 for more information.
Monday-Friday: 08:00-17:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Postal address:
Interlibrary Loans Wartenweiler Library
University of the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag X1
2050, South Africa