To study at Wits for one or two semesters as part of your home institution's degree, you must be currently registered in an accredited institution outside South Africa. At the time of coming to Wits, you must have completed at least one year of university study.
If Wits has a valid student exchange agreement with your home institution, you can study at Wits as an exchange student. Based on reciprocity, you will be liable for tuition fees at your home institution, and your tuition fees at Wits will be waived. You will need to be nominated by your home institution. View the list of with other institutions.
If your home institution does not have a student exchange agreement with Wits, you are considered an occasional student. You will be liable for the study abroad semester fee, which is a flat fee.
Most courses at Wits are open to study abroad students. You can choose up to a maximum of four courses per semester from the general academic offering, with the exception of courses in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Depending on your previous studies, you should generally select courses that are in line with your current year of study, i.e. if you are a second-year student at your home university, look for second-year courses at Wits. Click on the Credit Conversion Guidelines Document.
For information about specific courses, please consult the relevant section of the Faculty and School.
- Identify the courses most suitable to the programme at your home institution.
- Download the form and complete it.
- Factsheet for more information.
- If you are an exchange student, contact your International Office regarding nomination and submission of application documents. If you are an occasional student, send your application form and all supporting documents to the International Students Office (ISO).
- Once received, the ISO will check your application documents.
- Complete applications will be forwarded to the relevant Faculty/School for processing.
- Should your application be successful, a formal offer letter will be issued.
- If you are an exchange student, the offer letter, together with a letter of support from the ISO, will be sent to your home institution. If you are an occasional student, the offer letter, together with a letter of support from the ISO, will be sent directly to you.
Application Deadlines
30 September for studies beginning in the first semester (February – June) of the following year.
30 March for studies beginning in the second semester (July – November) of the same year.
The Study Abroad Fee includes tuition costs and international registration fees (IRF)
Exchange Student: Your tuition and international registration fees will be waived, based on reciprocity.
Occasional Student: The study abroad fee, which includes tuition and IRF, amounts to ZAR 54 820 per semester.
Please note:
The study abroad fee is subject to change on an annual basis.
The international registration fee is non-refundable.
Kayla Callaghan - Carleton University
I spent one semester at Wits University on exchange through my home institution Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Having the chance to study in South Africa for a semester was an amazing opportunity. I learned a lot about South African history and art in my classes which were new and exciting topics for me. I also had the chance to go on several excursions with my art classes to different areas of Johannesburg. During the semester I joined a couple clubs on campus like the Wits Explorers, who go on camping and hiking trips throughout the year, took yoga classes and climbed at the Wits Mountain Club's rock cave. It was great getting involved in different groups on campus and meeting a lot of people from Johannesburg. I found getting involved in different clubs integral to making my semester abroad my own.
I also spent some time traveling with some other international students. Over the study break I visited Victoria Falls with 4 other exchange students. Traveling by bus and train for two and a half days made the falls that much more magically when we finally arrived. In June I travelled to the beautiful Mozambique with another exchange student and relaxed on the beach to celebrate the end of exams.