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You are reading this because you are (hopefully!) about to embark on an entrepreneurial journey, starting and growing a business based on research conducted at or with Wits.

This guideline provides clarity on your and Wits' role, outlines the support available from Wits through the Innovation Support Unit at the Wits Innovation Centre (WIC), and provides a step-by-step process of what you can expect on the journey.

Guideline for the commercialisation of Wits innovations

This provides details on the support available to Wits innovators developing and commercialising innovations based on their research outputs. Amongst other aspects, this answers the question of whether to start a spin-out company or partner with an existing company, as well as provides pros and cons of different returns mechanisms (equity, royalty, etc) that Wits' innovators may come across.

For more information, read online and/or download the Commercialisation of Wits Innovation Guideline.

Share your innovation idea with us, so we can help you take it further

The Innovation Support unit is mandated to support the innovation activities within Wits. This includes assessing, protecting and developing research outputs of Wits researchers - whether academics, students, or others - so that they can be transferred into society and/or the economy.  If you believe that your research could be developed into a product, process or service, we would like to know about it so that we can start walking the journey with you and support getting it developed and transferred to society.

To help kick-start the journey:

The purpose of this form is to notify us, of the status and history of the research that you think can form the basis of innovation. Please provide all the necessary information as accurately as possible, or set up a meeting with us - we will GLADLY assist you!

Intellectual Property (IP) Act and Wits IP Policy
Non-Wits Inventors Guide

Not a Wits inventor and would like to know where to get assistance on obtaining intellectual property protection and advice; and/or funding and technology development?

Read online or download the Non Wits Inventors Guide.

Legal Services and the research process at Wits

Research projects are often facilitated through various types of agreements that commit parties to provide funding, deliver outcomes, transfer materials, keep ideas confidential, etc. It is, therefore, necessary to employ the services of competent legal expertise to facilitate the research process. 

The University Research Office has recently acquired a legal resource and is in the position to provide legal services for research-intensive matters. This means there are now four ports of call for legal service at Wits: (i) Legal Office, (ii) Wits Enterprise, (iii) Wits Research Office and (iv) Wits Health Consortium. The question is where is the most appropriate port of call for my legal needs?

Read online or download the Legal Services and the Research Process at Wits guide.
