We’re on a mission to find answers to humanity's most important questions. And everyone is invited.
Where do we come from? What is the story of life? How much more is there to discover? And how can our past impact the world as we know it today and in generations to come?
These are the questions that drive us every day. Keeping us curious. Inspiring us to dig deeper and discover more. Encouraging us to work together to make a boundless impact in our lifetime.
It’s why we invest in people, programmes and research that move the Palaeosciences forward, empower transformation, inspire South Africans, and find solutions to the world’s most pressing issues.
Together, we can make a significant impact.
Your support makes our work possible.
By funding and supporting GENUS, you’re helping us create a thriving Palaeoscience community dedicated to groundbreaking research, discovery, diversity and educating for the future.