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Opportunities at GCSRI

MSc, PhD bursaries and postdoc opportunities at GCSRI

The Global Change and Sustainability Research Institute (GCSRI) is a transdisciplinary research institute that was established as an enabling research platform of global significance and local impact, fostering informed action for adaptation and innovation in the rapidly changing southern African region. The GCSRI is based on the Wits East Campus in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.

GCSRI MSc, PhD bursary opportunities 2017
The GCSRI has the following bursary opportunities available in 2017:

  • 1X PhD bursary: The MISR-HR image processing system (Verstraete et al 2012) provides a unique opportunity to explore the potential of bidirectional reflectance functions for terrestrial land cover classification, land-atmosphere energy fluxes and vegetation structure assessments. The successful candidate will develop a cutting-edge and high impact research project on the application of the MISR-HR system in terrestrial environments.
  • 3X MSc bursaries: These bursaries will focus on different aspects relating to Food Security in changing risk environments.

Eligibility: Applications will only be considered for PhD and MSc bursaries if the preceding degree i.e Masters degree and Honours degree respectively, have been completed and the applicant is awaiting graduation. Applications will also be considered for applicants who have submitted their thesis and are awaiting results. For candidates awaiting results, the expected date of completion should be included in the motivation letter. 

To apply, send a one page motivation letter and CV (maximum 2 pages) to Mrs Helen Stewart (

Applications close on the 15th January 2017. Late applications will not be considered.

GCSRI Post-doctoral Opportunities 2017

The GCSRI has 4 post-doctoral positions available in 2017

  • 3X Standard post-doctoral positions: We will consider applications in the following four areas of interest. For all applications, a proven publication track record is a pre-requisite and applicants are encouraged to have a look at

Areas of interest:
1. Resource economics and land use planning. We are interested in innovative ways to assess the economic potential of different land use options, and what combination of options will support a sustainable development trajectory.
2. Monitoring and evaluation for sector-specific adaptation strategies. To meet the commitments of COP21, SA will have to develop sector-specific adaptation plans and each of these plans need a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess progress towards climate change resilience. In particular, we are interested in the implications for the mining industry, using a knowledge co-production approach.
3. Adaptation in urban environments. In conjunction with a large metro, we would like to co-develop an effective adaptation strategy, and in doing so, push the frontiers of adaptation science. For this focus area, the applicant should have demonstrated familiarity with transdisciplinary research approaches.
4. Data visualisation for decision support. Shared understanding improves the legitimacy and success of shared solutions, and data visualisation is one of the ways in which we can achieve this shared understanding for complex problems, supported by complex data sets. The successful candidate will have a proven track record in the creative, technical and ideally, psychological aspects, of multidimensional data visualisation.

  • 1X Post-doctoral fellowship: This position is remunerated at a higher level as compared to the 3 standard postdocs, with the intention to provide an opportunity for a truly excellent applicant to accelerate career growth. We will prefer applications in the 4 areas of interest (listed above) but we will also consider exceptional applicants in any global change related field.

Eligibility: Applications will only be considered from candidates who have completed their PhD or if the thesis has been examined and the likely date of completion is before the 30th of January 2017. For candidates completing before the 30th January 2017, the expected date of completion should be included in the motivation letter.

To apply, send a one page motivation letter clearly indicating the research area/s of your choice, your suitability for the post, evidence of proven publication track record and CV (maximum 2 pages) to Mrs Helen Stewart (

Applications close on the 15th January 2017. Late applications will not be considered.

