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Editorial Board

The Palaeontologia africana editorial board is composed of employed scientists with successful and extensive publication records. The editorial board together with consulting editors create a team that is focused on upholding scientific standards and free accessibility to the public. The editorial team oversee reviewing processes, reviewer selection, review assessment and editorial decision making.

Editorial Board 

J.N. Choiniere, Head Editor
L.R. Backwell, Associate Editor
M.K. Bamford, Associate Editor
B.S. Rubidge, Associate Editor 

Consulting Editors 

Dr Roger B.J. Benson, University of Oxford, UK,

Dr Juan Cisneros, Universidade Federal do Piauí Centro
deCiências da Natureza Teresina, PI, Brasil, Parareptiles 

Dr Thomas Lehmann, Senckenberg Museum, Germany,
Tertiary Mammals 

Dr Kieran McNulty, University of Minnesota, USA,
Hominid Palaeobiology 

Prof. Kevin Padian, University of California, Berkeley, USA,
Vertebrate Evolution 

Prof. Louis Scott, University of the Free State,

Dr Chris Sidor, University of Washington, USA, Karoo

Dr Roger H. Smith, Iziko South African Museum, Karoo
