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Links, Funders and Partners

Apart from work done in South Africa where ESI scientists already have active ongoing collaborations with most of the institutions in South Africa involved in palaeoscience research as is reflected by the large number of partner institutions, a number of our scientists work in other parts of Africa as well. There are several active projects in East Africa such as the Olduvai Landscape and Palaeoanthropology Project (OLAPP) and the multinational team at Laetoli, Tanzania. There are currently three separate projects running in Kenya at Koobi Fora, east Turkana Basin, Rusinga and Mfwangano and Lukeino. All the projects include local and international collaborators. A new project has been initiated at Mhengere in Mozambique. Other projects include prolific research in Mali, Angola, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. Links already exist between the ESI and a range of African museums, universities and institutions, particularly those in Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

In addition the ESI has very strong and active research collaborations with palaeoscientists at MIT, University of Washington, SUNY, Field Museum in Chicago, University of Chicago, Rutgers University, University of Georgia, Colby College, John Hopkins University, University of Milwaukee, University of Minnesota, Field Museum, Chicago, Oxford University, George Washington University, University of North Carolina, American Museum of Natural History, University of Bergen; Natural History Museum in London, University of Toulouse, CNRS (Paris), Palaeontological Institute in Moscow and collaborative research with the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology (China).

