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We invite all female undergraduate students, postgraduate students and academics in STEM fields that are currently developing a project or researching a topic that is related to (or can be applied to) engineering to submit an abstract. Students are welcome to enter in groups of a maximum of five people, however, groups will not be eligible for prizes.

What type of project/research can be entered

Undergraduates will be able to present a course project, side project (a project outside university course work that the student has been working on) or deliver a technical talk about a society that she is a part of. Postgraduates and staff members can present their research. Students will be required to add a short summary of what they are planning to present when they register to participate. 

Presentation format

Presentations will be approximately 15 minutes and, thereafter, there will be 5 minutes dedicated to questions. The format of the presentations will be announced at a later stage, however, they are likely to be live PowerPoint presentations. Pre-recorded video presentations may be required if internet problems are likely. 


Prizes will be awarded to the top technical presentation in the Undergraduate category, and the Postgraduate and Staff member category. 

If you would like to participate in the conference, please fill in this form:

Submit an Abstract 
