Worksheets to revise working with negative numbers.
What’s the Point Grade 8
Worksheets on point-plotting (and much more) for Grade 8.
What’s the Point Grade 9
Worksheets on point-plotting (and much more) for Grade 9.
Matters of Factors for Grade 9
Worksheets to revise products and factors for Grade 9.
Making maths cool
Wits University media release on Transition Maths 1 2018.
Card-sorting Activities for linear functions
A collection of card-sorting activities to represent points and lines on the Cartesian Plane.
Learner errors in integers - summary of literature
Snakes & Ladders with integers game
Integers maths game for grade 9.
#TRY-angles: Geometry for Grades 8 & 9
Worksheets to practise and revise Grade 8 geometry.
X-act: Algebraic simplification for Grade 8
Worksheets to practise algebraic simplification.
#SuperPowers for Grades 8 & 9
Worksheets to practise exponents and powers.
Maths Teaching Framework
Mathematics Teaching Framework – Overview.
Teaching and Learning Exponents (Webinar)
Teaching and Learning Product & Factors (Webinar)
Teaching and Learning Geometry
Teaching and Learning Equations
Teaching and Learning Maths Teaching Framework
What’s the same? What’s different?
Teaching Primary Maths towards a Secondary horizon