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WMC-P research outputs

Plenary/keynote lectures 

  • Venkat, H. & van Jaarsveld, P. (2014). Working with evidence: what pre-service teachers know and what in-service teachers in mathematics do. Invited plenary lecture: Academic depth and rigour conference. Oct 29th-30th: University of the Witwatersrand.

  • Venkat, H. (2013) Curriculum development minus teacher development ≠ Mathematics education. Invited plenary paper. Proceedings of the 19th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA), Mathematics vs. the Curriculum: What’s the Score? 24–28 June 2013. University of the Western Cape, Bellville, Cape Town.

Journal papers

  • Ekdahl, A-L, Venkat, H., Runesson, U. & Askew, M. (2018). Weaving in connections: Studying changes in early grades additive relations teaching. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 8(1),

  • Venkat, H. & Askew, M. (2018). Mediating primary mathematics: theory, concepts and a framework for studying practice.  Educational Studies in Mathematics. 97(1), pp71-92.

  • Venkat, H. & Mathews, C. (2018). Improving multiplicative reasoning in a context of low performance. ZDM. Available online at:

  • Askew, M., (2018) Multiplicative reasoning: teaching primary pupils in ways that focus on functional relations, The Curriculum Journal.

  • Abdulhamid, L. & Venkat, H. (2017) Primary mathematics teachers' responses to students' offers: An 'elaboration' framework. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, available online 7 September 2017. 

  • Ekdahl, A., Venkat, H. & Runesson, U. (2016). Coding teaching for simultaneity and connections: Examining teachers’ part-whole additive relations instruction. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 93: 293-313.

  • Venkat, H. & Spaull, N. (2015) What do we know about primary teachers’ mathematical content knowledge in South Africa? An analysis of SACMEQ 2007. International Journal of Educational Development, 41 (2015) 121–130.

  • Venkat, H. (2015). Mathematical practices and mathematical modes of enquiry: same or different? International Journal of STEM Education (2015) 2:6.

  • Abdulhamid, L. & Venkat, H. (2014) Research–led development of primary school teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching: A case study. Education as Change. 18(S1), pS137-S150.

  • Graven, M. & Venkat, H. (2014). Primary teachers’ experiences relating to the administration processes of high stakes testing: the case of Mathematics Annual National Assessments. AJRMSTE, 18(3)

  • Askew, M. (2013). Mediating learning number bonds through a Vygotskian lens of scientific concepts - South African Journal of Childhood Education, 3(2), p1-20.

  • Graven, M., Venkat, H., Westaway, L. & Tshesane, H. (2013) Place value without number sense: Exploring the need for mental mathematical skills assessment within the Annual National Assessments. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 3(2), p131-143.

  • Morrison, S. (2013) Exploring links between foundation phase teachers’ content knowledge and their example spaces. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 3(2), p96-111.

  • Naidoo, D. & Venkat, H. (2013) Coherent discourse and early number teaching. Journal of Education, 57, p55-77.

  • Venkat, H. (2013) Theorizing temporal range in early number teaching in South Africa. For the Learning of Mathematics, 33(2), p31-37.

  • Weitz, M. & Venkat, H. (2013) Assessing early number learning: How useful is the Annual National Assessment in Numeracy? Perspectives in Education, 31(3), p49-65.

  • Naidoo, D. & Venkat, H. (2013) Developing analytical tools for examining ‘coherence’ of teachers’ practice in Grade 2 Numeracy lessons. Journal of Education.

  • Venkat, H. (2013) Theorizing temporal range in early number teaching in South Africa. For the Learning of Mathematics, 33(2).

  • Weitz, M. & Venkat, H. (2013) Assessing early number learning: How useful is the Annual National Assessment in Numeracy? Perspectives in Education

  • Askew, M. (2013) Mediating learning number bonds through a Vygotskian lens of scientific concepts. South African Journal of Childhood Education.

  • Morrison, S. (2013) Exploring links between foundation phase teachers’ content knowledge and their example spaces. South African Journal of Childhood Education.

  • Venkat, H. & Naidoo, D. (2012) Analyzing coherence for conceptual learning in a Grade 2 numeracy lesson. Education as Change, 16(1), p21-33. 

  • Venkat, H. & Adler, J. (2012) Coherence and connections in teachers’ mathematical discourses in instruction. Pythagoras, 33(3),p25-32.

  • Venkat, H. & Askew, M. (2012) Mediating early number learning: Specialising across teacher talk and tools? Journal of Education. ,56, p67-90. 

Books/book chapters

  • Venkat, H., Beckmann, S., Larsson, K., Xing, Y-P., Ramploud, A. & Chen, L. (2018). Connecting whole number arithmetic foundations to other parts of mathematics: Structure and structuring activity. In Bartolini-Bussi, M. & Sun, X. (Eds.) Building the Foundation: Whole numbers in the primary grades - The 23rd ICMI Study. p299-324. Springer.

  • Askew, M. & Venkat, H. (2018). ‘I Hate Maths’: Changing primary school teachers’ relationship with mathematics. In Xolocotzin Eligio, U. (Ed.) Understanding emotions in mathematical thinking and learning. London: Academic Press-Elsevier. 388-353.

  • Mathews, C. (2014). Teaching division: The importance of coherence in what is made available to learn. In H. Venkat, M. Rollnick, Loughran, J. and M. Askew (Eds.), Exploring Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Knowledge. Windows into teacher thinking (pp. 84-95). Oxford: Routledge.

  • Venkat, H., Rollnick, M., Loughran, J. & Askew, M. ((Eds.) (2014). Windows into mathematics and science teachers’ knowledge. London: Routledge.

Conference papers/presentations

  • Venkat, H. & Askew, H. (2018). Addressing low attainment in the middle years: A multiplicative reasoning intervention study. Paper presented at the BCME9 Conference, Warwick University, 3-6 April.

  • Askew, M. & Venkat, H. (2018). Addressing low attainment in the middle years: The design and implementation of a focused intervention. Paper presented at the BCME9 Conference, Warwick University, 3-6 April.

  • Bjorklund, C., Kulberg, A., Runesson Kempe, U. & Venkat, H. (2018). Critical ways of using fingers in arithmetic problem solving. Presentation at the AERA Conference, New York, April 13-17.

  • Askew, M. & Venkat, H. (2018).   Middle grade students’ performance on arithmetic calculations presented as word problems or numeric problems. Research Report presented at PME42, Umea, 2-8 July.

  • Hansa, S., Venkat, H. & Askew, M. (2018). Improving grade 4 multiplicative reasoning in South Africa: Findings from an intervention study. Oral Presentation at PME42, Umea, 2-8 July.

  • Askew, M., Venkat, H., Barmby, P., Hansa, S., Mathews, C., Morrison, S. & Ramdhany, V. (2018). ‘It’s the context that confuses them’: Intermediate Phase learners’ performance on arithmetic items presented as context problems or bald calculations. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of SAARMSTE, Gaberone, Botswana, p.33-38.

  • Tshesane, H. (2018). An emerging framework to inform the learning and teaching of additive relations problem-solving. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of SAARMSTE, Gaberone, Botswana, p.200-204.

  • Venkat, H. & Askew, M. (2017). Focusing on the ‘middle ground’ of example spaces in primary mathematics teaching development in South Africa. Paper presented at the CERME 10 Conference, Dublin, 1-5 February.

  • Venkat, H. & Askew, M. (2016). Materials ‘borrowing’ and adapting: Overviewing ‘Big Books’ interventions in primary mathematics classrooms. Proceedings of the 24th Anuual Conference of SAARMSTE, Pretoria, p261-268.

  • Venkat, H. & Adler, J. (2016) Frameworks supporting the coding and development of mathematics teachers’ instructional talk in South Africa. Paper presented at the ERME ETC3: Mathematics Teaching, Resources, and Teacher Professional Development Conference, Berlin, 5-7 October.

  • Morrison, S. & Venkat, H. (2016). Managing tensions between diagnostic assessment and suggested follow–up teaching pathways. Paper presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Hamburg, 24-31 July 2016.

  • Weitz, M. & Venkat, H. (2016). How early performance in South Africa relates to later assessment performance. Extended paper: ICME13 Conference, Hamburg, July 24-31.

  • Venkat, H., Askew, M., Abdulhamid, L., Morrison, S. & Ramatlapana, K. (2016) A meditational approach to expanding in-service teachers' mathematical discourse, 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education Hamburg.

  • Mathews, C. (2016) Division means less...Chains of signification in a South African classroom, 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education Hamburg.

  • Abdulhamid, L. (2016) Supporting 'elaboration' in primary school teachers' handling of incorrect answers in mathematics classrooms13th International Congress on Mathematical Education Hamburg.
  • Venkat, H. (2015). Assessing Foundation Phase Numeracy learning: Working towards rigour. Invited presentation, ReSEP Conference: Quantitative Applications in Education Research. Stellenbosch University, 17th-18th August.

  • Dlamini, E., Venkat, H. & Askew, M. (2015) A modeling and models approach: Improving primary mathematics learner performance on multiplication. (Long paper). Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Maputo, Mozambique.

  • Tshesane, H. & Venkat, H. (2015) Models and strategies for additive relations in primary mathematics: Findings from a case study (Short paper). Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Maputo, Mozambique.

  • Venkat, H. (2015). Representational approaches to primary teacher development in South Africa. In X.Sun, B.Kaur & J.Novotna (Eds.) Conference Proceedings of the Twenty-third ICMI Study: Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers. University of Macau, June 3-7.
  • Askew, M. (2015) Seeing through Place value: an example of connectionist teaching. Proceedings of the 23rd ICMI Study Conference on Whole Numbers. Macau, June 2-7th.

  • Ekdahl. A. & Runesson, U. (2015). Teachers’ responses to incorrect answers on missing number problems in South Africa. Proceedings of the 23rd ICMI Study Conference on Whole Numbers. Macau, June 2-7th.

  • Venkat, H. (2015) Representational approaches to primary teacher development in South Africa. Proceedings of the 23rd ICMI Study Conference on Whole Numbers. Macau, June 2-7th.

  • Venkat, H., Askew, M. & Runesson, U. (2014) Definitional vs strategic example spaces for mental strategies. Sep 1st – 3rd. EARLI SIG 9 conference: Phenomenography and variation theory: Oxford.

  • Askew M, Abdulhamid L, Mathews C.D. (2014). Embodiment in Teaching and Learning Early Counting: Grounding Metaphors, Vancouver, Canada 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 15-Jul-2014 - 20-Jul-2014: pp 9 – 16.

  • Tshesane, H., Westaway, Venkat, H., & Graven, M. (2014) Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of SAARMSTE, NMMU, 13-16 January,p108-9.

  • Venkat, H., Ekdahl, A. & Runesson, U. (2014) Connections and coherence: Analysing South African G3 part-part-whole teaching. In Nicol, C., Oesterle, S., Liljedahl, P., & Allan, D. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 5). Vancouver, Canada: PME, p337 – 344.

  • Weitz, M. (2014) Pedagogic actions and strategies that support sophistication within Foundation Phase number work. Proceedings of the 20th Annual National Congress of AMESA. Kimberley, p246-253.

  • Venkat, H. & Adler, J. (2014). Analytic resources for examining teachers’ mathematical discourse. Presentation at the 2nd SAERA conference. August 13th – 15th: Durban.

  • Askew, M. & Venkat, H. (2013) - Extending Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching: Understanding the Construction of Connections and Coherence. Round Table: American Educational Research Association Conference.

  • Venkat, H. & Graven, M. (2013) Insights from working with assessment instruments in primary mathematics Grades 1-4. Research workshop for SAARMSTE conference.

  • Morrison, S. (2013) Exploring Foundation Phase mathematics teachers’ work with examples and representations in number-related tasks. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education.  Cape Town, UWC, pp

  • Takane, T. (2013) Investigating addition and subtraction strategies of Grade 3 learners within the context of a Maths Club.  SARAECE Conference, 11-12 April 2013.

  • Takane, T. (2013) Investigating addition and subtraction strategies of Grade 3 learners within the context of a Maths Club.  Short paper.  Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education.  Cape Town, UWC, pp 82.

  • Abdulhamid, L. & Venkat, H. (2013) Using the 'knowledge quartet' to analyze primary mathematics teaching in South Africa: the case of Sibongile. Long Paper. Proceedings of the 19th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA), Mathematics vs. the Curriculum: What’s the Score? 24–28 June 2013. University of the Western Cape, Bellville, Cape Town. Pp47-58.

  • Venkat, H. (2013) Curriculum development minus teacher development ≠ mathematics education. Plenary address, Proceedings of the 19th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa. Cape Town, UWC. 24-28 July, pp 4-16.

  • Venkat, H. (2012) FFL & CAPS resource provision: Mathematical mediation for numeracy? Plenary panel address. SA Basic Education conference, Durban, April.

  • Venkat, H. & Adler, J. (2013). From research to teacher development in mathematics education: Creating boundary objects. Presentation at the inaugural SAERA conference, Bela Bela.

  • Venkat, H. & Bowie, L. (2013). Understanding the prevalence of concrete counting across teaching and learning in FP. (Participants: Mike Askew, Paula Ensor, Ursula Hoadley, Jaamia Galant) Symposium for the Mathematics, Education and Society conference, 2013.Venkat, H. & Graven, M. (2013)

  • Venkat, H. (2012) Grounded analyses of primary maths teachers' use of representations and explanations. Presentation at the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics conference, 9 June 2012, Sussex University.

  • Abdulhamid, L. (2012). Using the knowledge quartet to analyse primary mathematics teaching in South Africa. Proceedings of the National Conference of the South African Association for Research in Early Childhood, pg. 85. Gramstown: SARAECE.

  • Abdulhamid, L. & Venkat, H. (2013) Using the 'knowledge quartet' to analyze primary mathematics teaching in South Africa: the case of Sibongile. Proceedings of the 19th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa. Cape Town, UWC. 24-28 July, pp 47-58.

  • Venkat, H. (2012) Grounded analyses of primary maths teachers' use of representations and explanations. Presentation at the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics conference, 9 June 2012, Sussex University.

  • Askew, M., Venkat, H. & Mathews, C. (2012). Coherence and consistency in South African primary mathematics lessons. In T. Tso (Ed.) Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Opportunities to learn in mathematics education, Taipei, Taiwan, July 18th – 22nd, Volume 2, pp 27-34.

  • Venkat, H., Abdulhamid, L. & Morrison, S. (2012). Describing primary mathematics teachers’ pedagogic content knowledge – developing ‘connections maps’. Paper presented at the Early Childhood Education Research and Development, Rhodes University, Gramstown.

  • Venkat, H. (2012) Analysing classroom talk in a Grade 2 numeracy lesson. In D.Nampota & M.Kazima (Eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Lilongwe, Malawi, pp242-249.

  • Mathews, C. (2012) Analysis of a teacher’s mediation of a mathematical example related to division in Grade 3: examining slippages in a teacher’s explanations. EU Conference at Rhodes University

Invited presentations

  • 2011 21st July – Venkat, H. Language and epistemic access to mathematics. Invited presentation within the Language in education in South African schools – the nexus of failure...? CEPD seminar, WSOE.

  • 2012 27th Mar – Venkat, H. & Adler, J. Teacher Networks. Teachers Upfront seminar series, University of Johannesburg

  • 2012 Aug – Graven, M. & Venkat, H. Linking research and development in Numeracy Education - Building and sustaining a community of numeracy educators and researchers. Khulile seminar.

  • 2012 12th Oct – Venkat, H. CAPS: An inclusive or exclusive curriculum? Foundation Phase Division public seminar, Wits School of Education.

  • 2013 28th Mar - Venkat, H. & Graven, M. Considering the ANA: Research perspectives. Gauteng Deans’ Forum meeting.

  • 2013 – June and September, Venkat, H. & Mathews, C., guest seminars for B Ed students

Development outputs

  • Takane, T. (2015). Supporting mathematics learning in Home Language classrooms through the use of word problems. A How I Teach presentation at the 21st Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA). Polokwane.

  • Venkat, H., Roberts, N. & Weitz, M. (2015). Making sense of addition and subtraction problems through stories and diagrams. Workshop presentation at the 21st Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA). Polokwane.

  • Roberts, N. (2014). Capturing ANA data on spreadsheets. Presentation to District principals. January.

  • Venkat, H. (2014). Thinking Algebraically. Plenary lecture: Roedean Primary Maths Conference. Oct: Roedean.

  • Mathews, C. & Abdulhamid, L. (2013) Addition and subtraction in terms of part-part-whole relationships, AMESA Gauteng teacher workshop, 6 May 2013.

  • Morrison, S. & Takane, T. (2013) Progression in early counting strategies. AMESA Gauteng teacher workshop, 6 May 2013.

  • Weitz, M. (2013) Assessing early number learning using the learning framework in number. Workshop presentation. Proceedings of the 19th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa. Cape Town, UWC, pp75-77.

  • Venkat, H. (2013) Additional workshop presentation for primary mathematics teachers. AMESA 2013

  • Mathews, C. & Alexander, M. (2012) Mental activities – Number sense in the Foundation Phase. Workshop presentation. AMESA 2012, University of the North-West.

  • Venkat, H. & Mathews, C. (2011) Conversations about numeracy teaching: 
    Number Sense in Grade 2. Workshop presentation. AMESA 2011, WSOE.

Guest Editorships – Special Issues 

  • Perspectives in Education 31(3), (2013) Issues in Primary Mathematics – Special Issue, Venkat, H. & Bowie, L. (Eds.) 

  • South African Journal of Childhood Education, 3(2), September 2013 – Numeracy focused Special Issue, Venkat, H. & Graven, M. (Eds.) 

