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Monday, 10 March 2025 - Sunday, 16 March 2025

The Wits Art Museum is thrilled to host the work of South Africa's cultural icon on display until 17 April.
IMPACT presents an in-depth artistic response to a scientific subject—the 2.5-2.8-million-year-old Taung skull.
The Faces of the City is a weekly online seminar series hosted at WITS by CUBES, the SA&CP, both in the School of Architecture and Planning, and the GCRO.
The role of Philanthropy in achieving agreed global compacts transformative national development and sustainable social justice in the global south.
“Trump Unleashed: Unpacking the Trump Administration”
An ACMS Seminar by Dr Jean Pierre Misago
Join us for an insightful and in-depth discussion on the complexities of medical schemes in South Africa.
SCIS invites you to a hybrid seminar presented by Tim K?hler on the labour market effects of the SRD grant on 13 March 2025.
Rhythm: The Neuroscience of Music and Mental Mastery
The voices of Platfontein's youth