Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Commerce, Law, and Management
CLM Online Learning and Teaching Unit (COLT)
Who We Are
The vision of the CLM Online Learning and Teaching unit (COLT) is to inspire, influence and support the development of effective digital pedagogical practices, and to enhance the learning experience of CLM students who will ultimately graduate into an increasingly digital world.
Our mission is to collaborate with individuals, departments, schools and support units within the CLM Faculty to build capacity in and accelerate the uptake of effective blended and online learning and teaching.
What We Do
Our goals are:
- To understand and respond to the needs of CLM academics regarding digital teaching and learning.
- To promote and influence the adoption of active blended and online teaching, learning and assessment approaches and practices across the faculty.
- To promote faculty-wide Communities of Practice (CoPs) by creating dialogue and sharing best practices around blended and online learning.
- To develop capacity in blended and online learning through professional learning opportunities.
- To promote and conduct research in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and the use of digital technologies for teaching and learning
Our services include:
- Supporting lecturers in the design and development of fully online programmes and short courses.
- Providing support for using Ulwazi for teaching and learning, including the CLM Online Learning and Teaching Toolkit.
- Provide professional learning opportunities through short courses, webinars, workshops and consultations.
- A curated weekly teaching and learning newsletter.
- Conducting research in the in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), particularly around online and blended learning.