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Prospective Research Projects
Departmental research projects
HIV and Bone Study (Dr E. Schnaid)
  • Long-term study
  • Investigate the effects of HIV on the bone
  • Collaborative research work with other clinicians from diff departments/hospitals
  • Possible source of various prospective MMed research projects
  • Protocol currently underway
  • Synvisc Study (Prof Magobotha)
  • A medical treatment used to treat osteoarthritis of the knee
  • Currently being used in Belgium
  • May be useful in lightening the burden of patients waiting for knee arthroplasty (Prof Magobotha)
 MMed research Topics (Paeds unit)
  • The relationship between vitamin d deficiency and femur fractures in young children (under 5 yrs)
  • Long term follow up of delayed treatment of DDH
  • Long term follow up of tib ant transfers
  • Types of orthopaedic injuries sustained in pedestrian vehicle accidents (review)
  • Prospective audit of inner-city rickets seen in the Paeds orthopaedic clinic
Terms and Conditions: Wits Orthopaedic Surgery Research

By signing and submitting their research application, researchers agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this document.

Tools for MMed Research Report Writing
General Information
Please visit the following links:

(a) Protocols and Research guidelines and Forms:

(b) Health Sciences Faculty style guide for reporting research:

(c) Health Sciences Research Office Staff:

(d) Faculty Registrar's Office:

(e) Wits Health Sciences Library:

(f) Orthopaedic Topics on Youtube:

Bone Histomorphometry: research led by Mr J. Mongwe

 This laboratory is equipped to deal with undecalcified bone biopsies embedded in resin. Bone histomorphometry is a specialised histology method that can be applied on clinical and research specimens in human and animal studies. It is a quantitative and qualitative microscopic analysis of bone. In this laboratory, specimens are processed and analysed.

Tissue culture: research led by Mr J. Mongwe

In this laboratory research is mainly on osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Experiments are conducted on frozen chondrocytes and their abilities to be utilised in transplantation purposes. Techniques used include routine tissue culture, biochemistry, radioactive labelling, histology procedures, light microscopy and electron microscopy.

Clinical Trials in the division of Orthopaedic Surgery

Clinical Trials in the division of Orthopaedic Surgery:

  • Johannesburg Trauma: Prof Ramokgopa/ Dr Firth/ Dr Iqbal/Dr Karera/ Dr Fourtounas/ Matimba Maluleke/Anna Biscardi Trials is at CHBAH.
    • INORMUS INternational ORthopaedic MUlticenter Study in Fracture Care. Approx. 800/1000 patients completed taken two years to get patients.
    • HIP ATTACK: HIP FRACTURE ACCELETATED SURGICAL CARE AND TREATMENT TRACK - 29/120 patients recruited: Will have taken one year by April 2018
  • Johannesburg Athroplasty:  Dr Mokete/Sikhauli/Piertrzak/Biscardi

Trial at CMJAH

ZimmerBiomet PSI 001

A Prospective Randomised Trial comparing Post-operative knee alignment following total knee replacement using patient specific knee instrumentation based on either CT or MRI. 54 knee patients recruited. Start date April/May 2017. Total number required 70 patients.

Hand Unit CHBAH:Dr Biddulph/Prof Ramokgopa/Tanya Coats/Biscardi

Protocol: TDRFP1

Title: Pivotal, Randomised, Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of the CoNextions™ Implant System for Zone 2 Flexor Tendon Repair – The site has approval from HREC waiting for MCC approval for the device. 20 patients will be recruited and followed. The Hand Unit is part of 3 other sites in South Africa.
