Clinical Service and Teaching

Clinical Service:
The staff in the Division of Cardiology provide a comprehensive cardiac service to all 3 teaching hospitals:
- Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital,
- Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital,
- Helen Joseph Hospital.
Besides the consultations the service includes the following:
- electrocardiography,
- echocardiography,
i. 2D echo
ii. 3D echo,
iii. Transeosophageal echo,
iv. Stress echo,
- stress testing,
- cardiac catheterization,
- Interventional cardiac catheterization:
- Angioplasty,
- Coronary stenting,
- Balloon mitral valvuloplasty,
- Intravascular Ultrasound,
- Intracoronary Doppler pressure measurement,
- Transcutaneous Aortic Valve Implantations
- Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Device placement
- holter monitoring,
- electrophysiological testing,
- cardiac pacing
- temporary lead,
- Single chamber,
- Dual chamber,
- ICD implantation,
- CRT implantation,
- Cardiac MRI
- Cine imaging (SSPF),
ii. Late gadolinium,
- t2w imaging,
- t2* imaging,
iv. parametric imaging,
v. flow measurements,
Collectively an average of 60,000 patients (outpatients, admissions, other ward consultations) are seen yearly in the various hospitals and the annual procedure performance currently averages:
- 20,000 transthoracic studies,
- 1000 trans-oesophageal studies,
- 1200 ECG Holter monitorings,
- 5000 ECG exercise tests,
- 3000 cardiac catheterisation procedures. These would include basic cardiac catheterization as well as all interventional procedures listed above