Head of Division Dr Shakeera Holland Shakeera.holland@wits.ac.za (011) 717 2664

Division Administrator Ms Elsie Nyanga Elsie.nyanga@wits.ac.za (011) 717 2664

Senior Lecturer: Forensic Taphonomy; Research and Course Coordinator Craig.keyes@wits.ac.za (011) 489 1656

Lecturer: Forensic Toxicology Mrs IIdi Wainer IIdi.wainer@wits.ac.za (011) 489 1641

Technician: Forensic Entomology Mr Lawrence Hill Lawrence.hill@wits.ac.za (011) 489 1659

Associate Lecturer: Ms Allison Gilbert Head of Human Decendent Identification Unit Allison.gilbert@wits.ac.za (011) 489 1659

Technician: Ms Tracy Reindorp Tracy.reindorp@wits.ac.za

Associate Professor: Forensic and Investigative Psychology Associate Professor Gerard Labuschagne Gerard.labuschagne@wits.ac.za