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Preparing for GRP Event

To be successful at attending events requires advanced planning and visualization. Learn how to do your research ahead of time so that you make the most of this opportunity. At any career event, you have the chance to talk with employers about your qualifications and motivations to pursue a specific career path, as well as the work that the recruiting company does and potential opportunities that are available. Your goal is to show that you are more than just your resumé in order to make a human connection and begin building a relationship.

NB!!  For job search strategies participate in the Journey to Employability Programme (JEM)


Here are some tips to remember for introductions at virtual events:

  • Create a Designated Space: Make sure that your surroundings help you feel comfortable and ready to engage in a formal conversation. Make sure that your background is simple, your face has good lighting, your camera is at eye level, and your name is spelled correctly in the profile or account that may be visible during the event. Look sharp with Wits background images – 
  • Make Eye Contact: Stare at the camera, not at the screen. In the first few seconds of getting to know you, research shows that people collect an enormous amount of information through social cues, so you want to make recruiters feel like you are making an authentic connection by looking them "in the eye."
  • Anticipate Connection Issues: Be prepared to join the meeting early and check for any connection issues that may occur. It is best to have a backup plan ready just in case! Bring the Edge!

Here are some tips when introducing yourself during an on campus event:

  • Prepare Your Physical Greeting: Traditionally, before Covid, it is typically most appropriate to greet someone with a firm handshake. These customs have changed in a post-COVID-19 world, so we recommend choosing an alternative greeting that is within your comfort zone, such as an elbow bump, foot tap, or friendly nod.
  • Practice with a Friend: No matter which way you choose to introduce yourself, it always helps to prepare in advance with a friend. Choose someone you are comfortable around so that they can give you honest feedback!

 Indicating your intention to speak:

  • Listen in Line: On-site events usually involve a few minutes of waiting in line before you speak with an employer. Use the "raised hand function" on the online platform when necessary.  Use the time when not speaking wisely - notice the employer's reactions to different topics of the conversation.