Student Registry

Students at a lecture, 1931
Student Registry is the official repository for all records relating to a student's study and stay at the University. It maintains a variety of documents concerning each student, e.g. admission, academic performance, financial aid or obligations, accommodation, social or organisational involvement, health, discipline or conduct governance, etc. Apart from administrative purposes these records can be used for student development or the improvement of existing programmes and services.

Students Representative Council 1945/46
Student records may only be accessed by authorized University personnel. Please complete a Records Reference Request Form when calling for a student record.
Please note that Student Registry does not deal with any queries about students or qualification verifications or transcript requests, etc. All such queries must be directed to the student's faculty of registration and/or qualification.
For additional information please refer to the Academic Transcripts and Verifications section on the Wits Alumni page.
The following policy statements of the University must be noted:
Policy On Post-Graduation Verification Including Transcripts and Curricula (contact details of faculties appear in this document)
Guidelines On How To Deal With Enquiries 网易体育 Students